Death… “On The Way”

WED., JAN. 29, 1986, 6:32 AM

Yesterday you experienced a well-publicized tragedy as seven well-trained people died in a fiery explosion on their way to “space.” Oh yes, there were other deaths yesterday, some worse in the experience, but these were symbolic deaths. They were martyrs to a naturalistic, scientific cause. So what do I, the Holy Spirit, have to say about this unusual event.

First, of course, I was there at the moment of explosion, and some, with hands in Mine, made an easy and gentle transition to the realm of spirit. Others were on farther paths without the reality of relationship with Me. That is, some were ready to “walk in space with Me”, and some were not. And so it is with all the deaths that occurred yesterday (though there is a range, of course, rather than just two clear categories).

I have no objection to this “space program,” and I have been pleased as some who have participated found Me, in My Creative Majesty, as they contemplated the picture of earth and space. Yet from My perspective it is a rather silly use of time, money, and resources. It is designed to conquer the limitations of life on the earth’s surface, and each of you can experience that in its ultimate form as you pass on over from earth life. Talk about weightlessness! Though some in the program do affirm My presence and call on Me for help and protection (and I heard many prayers yesterday that were obviously not answered in the way the offerers expected) it is a secular enterprise, based in science and technology that denies, finally, the need for Me. As I said, I have no objection to the “program,” but humans are not better off because it exists.

All of the usual efforts were made to prevent this accident and prolong these lives, but the combination of knowledgeable, alert, conscientious people and technology, with its many backup checks, were not sufficient. The technology of television and radio allowed you to see and have described the moment of explosion, when the marvelous technology of space travel failed… “on the way…” The loss of life is tragic, in secular earth terms, but one fact of both earth and spiritual life is that any cause that aspires to be “great” will be benefitted by martyrs – those who give their lives that the cause might continue.

It shall be interesting for you to see whether this martyrdom is acknowledged, for it is only symbolic… the seven did not willingly die for the space program… only willingly took the risk. Their deaths will not call forth great improvement s in the process. The accident was not because of some general, correctable flaw. So if they are seen as martyrs the cause will continue with more actual spiritual fervor. If they are not so acknowledged then the program will be slowed for fear that other preventable deaths might happen. And hence it would become more of a spiritless technological enterprise.

Does love have anything to do with a “space program”? Love can and should be part of every human enterprise. And “greater love has no man or woman than this… that each would lay down life for friends.” Symbolically this applies. The seven gave their lives in the love of the program and for their associates in it. If this is acknowledged, the program will have more spirit, but it will not be safer.

WED., JAN. 29, 1986, 6:32 AM

Yesterday you experienced a well-publicized tragedy as seven well-trained people died in a fiery explosion on their way to “space.” Oh yes, there were other deaths yesterday, some worse in the experience, but these were symbolic deaths. They were martyrs to a naturalistic, scientific cause. So what do I, the Holy Spirit, have to say about this unusual event.

First, of course, I was there at the moment of explosion, and some, with hands in Mine, made an easy and gentle transition to the realm of spirit. Others were . . .

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