Death… That Leads To Life

TUES., JUNE 4, 1996, 12:06 AM

More Teachings for your/Our next Ruminations you will not need, but I do have more to say, so, if you’ll try “Andy time”, so will I. (She hasn’t been very faithful of recent mornings, but I realize she is under various pressures. You can be one to urge her back to Me.)

It shall be a challenge to determine which of the more than 50 I’ve given you since those two in 1985-86. Yes, I’m telling you to take each of those issues and list what I concentrated upon. Then work both from this and from some selection of the Teachings since (including this one, of course.)

Comfortable is what you are personally with the perception of life everlasting. Your soul continues on, toward fuller (even full) acceptance of Me, as Holy Spirit, and of Me, as the Christ. Fundamentally, you have long ago accepted Me as the God Almighty, Creator and Sustainer of life here in the earth. I am responsible, both directly and indirectly, for the life that is, the life that is coming in, and the life that is passing on out of this earth plane. You see, the death that is so often lamented and dealt with in a mournful way is of very little consequence. Whether it occurs at birth or 100 years as a human, it is just an episode in the life of your soul, a life which only occasionally is lived in the time dimension of the earth.

As I have told you often, your consciousness, which appears to be gone in death, or near death, actually increases as you drop your body… even explodes as full consciousness returns. You shall be greeted in reunion by many souls who have gone on before you. Some of the most interesting encounters will be with some who have come back into the earth as young humans but who can return for at least a brief greeting. Oh, the freedom that comes with life as wholly spirit. You shall see much more clearly how relatively unimportant any earth life is.

In a way, this is the basic message of Easter. Superficially it is that I, as Jesus, am crucified, I die, and I am buried in a rock tomb. Actually, I chose to give My earth life as a sacrifice for you all, a symbolic act of taking your sins upon My shoulders. I was “dead” only for a short time. Then My life continued, as Jesus, the Christ, Who was from the beginning, way before My birth in Bethlehem. In that earth life My father was Joseph. In crucial spirit, for the Jews, I was the Son of David, a human of special significance to My people, Israel.

This was not accepted, and hence the covenant began to crumble. This is now mystical. The original covenant continues. And… the covenant is broken by the failure of the Jews to accept Me as the Christ, as their Messiah. Both/and. One does not preclude the other. As Jesus, I died, but, actually I didn’t. I even only dropped the Body only for a “few hours”. I gave My earth life, but there was no way they could take away My Essence. And so, in a comparable but lesser way, there is no way that death of your body can blot out the essence that shall live on, in a freer state.

One of the great mayas of your culture is that death is an awful finality. Not so. The message is clear in the Christian story, but it has been diminished by the humanistic perspective. The body is dead, so that must be all. Your wishes for continuing life seem muted by the funeral trappings. Actually many of you who pass on over are really there in the funeral and burial services. Those who have had near death experiences tell of the reality… why the sadness? As Peter said, “This is just great!”

Shouldn’t such a beautifully powerful revelation of the life everlasting urge you to an earlier “death”… a suicide? It could, if pain were uncontrollable and there was no real purpose to continued life in the body. A few obviously come on over too soon, but I am just as concerned for others who seek and accept medical postponing of earthly death that is “too long”. You’ll know how long your earth life has value. When that value fades it is not important what you do, even to hasten the passage. Death is really another beginning.

So it is
1:04 AM