Deep Ecology

MON., NOV. 6, 1989, 6:30 AM

The experience of this weekend past was an energizing one, and today you must decide how you shall include some of these ideas in the Survival presentations you shall soon make. One of the important ideas is that of deep ecology, and you should be reminded of how that fits in with a spiritual view of life… at least with the one I have encouraged on you. Listen and hear, o son.

It is one of those true paradoxes in which I say that I value humans most highly and that I also approve of the deep ecology concept. Spirit is the reason these do not finally clash. Deep ecology is the focus on the whole web of life… on the continual balancing of all forms of life and of the physical aspects of this small planet, and not solely on the welfare of humans. My main interest is in the development of spirit, and this can happen quite effectively as spirits come into physical bodies and live holistic lives here on this unique manifestation of energy called earth. The physical bodies and the functioning brain are important parts of this process of development.

And yet I also have created and have let develop this total complex ecosystem of life that you rightly extol. I want human life to be sustainable, and so physical deaths must occur in order to insure such. My ecological “system” includes the reality of death. In any species some die after a short life, some after an average life, for that species, and a few after a long life. You Western humans are trying, from mixed motivations, to alter this system, so that more and more humans live long lives and yet births also remain high. This requires greater death in other forms of life… for food that humans might thrive and as a consequence of human life activity, especially in high entropy cultures.

As I have told you many times, the length of an earth life is not important in overall spiritual development. The reality, outside of the earth, is timelessness, so that numbers of years of earth life become meaningless as a spirit moves on to other realms. You have let your students know of the life of little Nick Meeshon, who lives only one year and three weeks, and yet this short life has been of more consequence to their thinking about life and death than the lives of many others whose lives spanned many years, but were, to them, inconsequential.

You will not find the word or the concept of sustainability written in Holy Scripture. Yet I tell you that it is both a spiritual principle and a necessity for the viability of this spiritual place. It is based in the deep spiritual principles of giving up something good for something better and of giving up life so that others might live. As Jesus, I gave up My life so that people, through the ages since My life, might have more abundant spiritual lives… and hence more satisfying earth lives.

Human life is important, but the comforts and artifacts of high entropy life are not, for they are damaging the total web of life. This is not a problem with a simple solution that is palatable to all conscious humans. One simple answer is a rather sharp reduction in the human population. The other is a simplification of life, with hard decisions about use of non-renewable energy and of technology. Neither seems reasonable to some. The spiritual answer it that both must occur, but I shall allow the crisis to proceed so that there is some chaos that shall be experienced, and from which shall come spiritual growth.

MON., NOV. 6, 1989, 6:30 AM

The experience of this weekend past was an energizing one, and today you must decide how you shall include some of these ideas in the Survival presentations you shall soon make. One of the important ideas is that of deep ecology, and you should be reminded of how that fits in with a spiritual view of life… at least with the one I have encouraged on you. Listen and hear, o son.

It is one of those true paradoxes in which I say that I value humans most highly and that . . .

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