Definite Messages

FRI., MAY 6, 1988, 6:18 AM

The sun is “up”, and you are here in this familiar place, prepared to receive what you are now comfortable in calling a Teaching. You had gotten a definite message that you were to be here… but… how could it be definite? Could you have done other than be here this morning? Hear Me, o son, as I tell you of definite messages.

My general style is to not give definite messages. Life in the earth is fundamentally a spiritual test, and though each soul needs a certain amount of guidance I would generally wait for you to call on Me. It is satisfying when a soul genuinely turns to Me and seeks help with life tasks, motivated mainly by the feeling of need and by the appreciation for My life, death, and resurrection as Jesus, the Christ.

Some, of course, accept early family “training” and church school experiences, become church members, and never truly drift away. Outwardly, you could be seen as one of these, even though your present church is not the one in which you were “raised.” I am part of church congregations, encouraging peace, unity, and purity, and even though there is much prayer to Me, in any and all of My three “forms,” I do not usually give definite messages. Even in full gospel congregations My messages are not as definite and as frequent as certain of the devout attest. These tend to overinterpret in their desire to be “at My right hand.”

Others have early exposures, but then choose to depart from the church, and your culture encourages this. Your sons all left the church of their youth and lived for some time without this supportive experience. One by one they have returned, but to different forms of the church… all but Matthew. You may ask each, at some time, as to whether the message to be in the church he is now in was a definite one. Some who leave never return, and this usually retards spiritual development, but not always. I don’t often send definite messages about church membership… just enough to keep the Body healthy.

Some traditions and churches (yours being a good example) are very nervous about definite messages from Me, calling for help, but being reluctant to testify or accept testimony that definite messages have been received. It is fun, then, for Me to tell you to remain in this Presbyterian fold, even as most do not want to have to deal with “definite messages” (and only a bit perverse).

It also is fun, and it makes earth life more interesting, to give definite messages to some who are not in the Church, even some who have never been thus. Some of these resist such intrusions into their “freedom,” but others capitulate rather happily. From My vantage point it is quite a panorama of responses to Me and My purposes.

Yes, I do send you definite messages. What I have you doing is not much related to the big issues of earth life, like peace, justice, economic stability, and equality. You will see more clearly “some day” how this experience is important to your spiritual growth. You are basically an independent spirit, but you need this particular sort of dependence as a balance. I also am using you as a means of communicating with some others, and this specific direction was the best way to get you to lead in restoring the spiritual dimension to the professional health field. This latter is important to Me, and you are only a small part of this movement, but I chose this way of definite messages to you as an effective one.

FRI., MAY 6, 1988, 6:18 AM

The sun is “up”, and you are here in this familiar place, prepared to receive what you are now comfortable in calling a Teaching. You had gotten a definite message that you were to be here… but… how could it be definite? Could you have done other than be here this morning? Hear Me, o son, as I tell you of definite messages.

My general style is to not give definite messages. Life in the earth is fundamentally a spiritual test, and though each soul needs a certain amount of guidance . . .

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