Departures From “Normality”

WED., NOV. 20, 1996, 7:09 PM

The television/VCR set that you selected had not been one you had used for some time. The search for the video you wanted to use today had been a long and fruitless one. And there on the “cart” of the video machine was the tape you had looked for. It seemed like a miracle, and you gave Me the credit. Good for you… you should have!

This was certainly a “low level” miracle, as compared with the uncountable prayers I hear. I am implored to stop wars, prevent disasters, eliminate cancer, bring harmony to warring factions, and… These are mostly big… even huge… miracles requested. I can do such, but, generally, I don’t. It would make this earth scene just too complex. My Self-appointed tack is not to determine all that occurs. But I give up control voluntarily, and I can and do enter the “scene” whenever and wherever I choose.

Remember that I’m not fundamentally against science, and some of its findings and their applications have been beneficial to at least some of you humans. But as you are wise to observe there could be no valid science if I often intervened and “changed things”. As a general rule, I don’t do this.

Yet I have fun, as Holy Spirit, with powers that I have in common with God Almighty and Jesus the Christ. I had fun today, seeing that the tape you had lost turned up in a most unlikely place. It was a test. Could you immediately recognize Me as the mover/prankster, throw up your arms and thank Me. You did, mission accomplished!

I can prolong lives, even as I generally don’t. Realizing this, however, you should hear that, because of our rather long relationship, thee and Me, you shall live just exactly as long as I want you to. Natural, predictable, “medical” causes of potential death will be managed and countered… until “the time”. Then you will come over, just when I want you. Is this “normality”? Not a bit of it.

Almost all lives and deaths are the result of natural events and causes. Planes go down with many deaths. Occasionally one or two, out of many, are affected by Me. Most are just “accidents”… wrong place at the wrong time. But with a few, including you (for no good reason), I see you as “departures from ‘normality’”. Your life is prolonged or taken according to My Will.

What do I want from this? I want you to accept this “election”, with increasing fullness, and accept, and even expect and look for, My intervention in your life. It may be as simple as returning your tape. It may be much more complex, but in the end you are benefited and you are aware of and appreciate this. You are approaching the spiritual enlightenment that you remember from the story of Swami Ram Dass… “Ram comes to me in various ways”. Give less and less time and concern to evaluating situations and circumstances as good or “evil”. Just try to appreciate the myriad ways I come to you, and what you can and should be learning from each of these.

Now remember what I also have told you often: pray as often as you wish. Thank Me first, but then ask whatever you truly want. If you want a life saved and prolonged, pray thusly. If you just want My will to be done, pray for this. There’s no guarantee, but one of My main reasons for departing from “normality” is sincere prayers offered to Me. To assume that I don’t hear and won’t act is evidence of a lack of faith. Yet to be troubled, even angry, because any prayer is not answered, is equally dumb.

There is nothing I can’t do, change, create. If the world’s population remains dangerously high it is evidence that I haven’t chosen to act yet. Just await increasing numbers of deaths… no great single catastrophe. If I don’t seem to be acting, it is because I haven’t yet done so, not because I cannot. Consider as truth My actions as the God of the Hebrews in the Old Testament. I was active. I may choose to be, again.

WED., NOV. 20, 1996, 7:09 PM

The television/VCR set that you selected had not been one you had used for some time. The search for the video you wanted to use today had been a long and fruitless one. And there on the “cart” of the video machine was the tape you had looked for. It seemed like a miracle, and you gave Me the credit. Good for you… you should have!

This was certainly a “low level” miracle, as compared with the uncountable prayers I hear. I am implored to stop wars, prevent disasters . . .

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