
SUN., SEPT. 7, 1986, 5:18 AM

In this middle period of your earth life you are rather proud of your independence. Though you do technically work for the state, which makes you dependent on tax funds for your income, your function quite independently as a professor. You are not dependent upon others for the direction of your work life. Physically you still are strong and rather able, so you can still do all that is expected of you.

Yet you know that if you live long enough (do not die in or because of your independence) you face one or more types of dependence. Hear as I help you prepare for that probability… in spirit. For without some preparation a time of dependence could bring a deterioration of spirit and it need not.

It is your hope that your retirement will be a time of independence, financially. You know that your giving to organizations and causes may have to be lessened, but some of such giving, where some sacrifice is involved, is truly necessary. Your various sources of income look shaky, but if your culture keeps “muddling through” they will be available. You hope not to be dependent on your children, but you need not feel strongly about that. They have been dependent upon you, and you have provided for them clear into adult life. You have not demanded the repayment which would characterize independence for them. Therefore it shall be a spiritual obligation on the part of your grown children to provide for you, if you need it. And, spiritually, you must not be too proud to accept this bit of dependence.

When you suffered the disability in your leg and back you had to consider how this would affect your independence. The healing that came after that injury has made the dependence less imminent, but you realize how much those capacities to lift, carry, and move objects are part of the life you like to lead. The pain in your shoulder may or may not be a lasting one. You are rather prepared for it to be so, but if you cannot split wood without great discomfort this shall be a difficult adjustment.

Again the key dimension is spiritual. If you accept the gift of long life you must accept the cost in diminished physical capacities. You haven’t lost much yet, but you need to be prepared for years ahead when you shall not be able to do what is still possible, at least, now. Your spirit must be the guide to when some change of lifestyle is appropriate. You shall have a tendency to let your pride keep you “doing” beyond the healthy time. I still see this as a “good,” but spirit can best see the balance that should be… and direct you, as necessary. Just be prepared.

As Jesus in My active ministry I lived a life of dependence on others for sustenance. The Scriptures do not tell of My working for the necessities of life. I simply accepted that as I was giving, in spiritual enlightenment, those receiving would provide. I have set and have held Mabel and Anthony on such a course for most of their life together, and you do appreciate that their ministries have “generated” the means for a good life, from those who have benefitted. You must realize that this may be a price for you, too… being able and willing to help others in ways that cause them to want to help you. It is a dependence, but it is like unto Mine, as the Messiah.

SUN., SEPT. 7, 1986, 5:18 AM

In this middle period of your earth life you are rather proud of your independence. Though you do technically work for the state, which makes you dependent on tax funds for your income, your function quite independently as a professor. You are not dependent upon others for the direction of your work life. Physically you still are strong and rather able, so you can still do all that is expected of you.

Yet you know that if you live long enough (do not die in or because of your independence) you . . .

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