Destroying People

MON., OCT. 1, 1990, 6:25 AM

You read in Ezekiel about Me, as Almighty God, destroying people. In the New Testament I come as Jesus, who is mostly gentle, and there is no mass killing. Instead, I give My life that those who were evil in persecuting Me would be saved. Was I “better” in the New Testament than I was in Ezekiel’s time? What about this destruction of people? What are the present “abominations” for which destruction is merited?

First, as Almighty God I can take any action imaginable, and, over earth time, I balance My actions differently. There have been times when I was tough and stringent. You are living in a time of great tolerance. Instead of destruction I am allowing much procreation. Though deaths still occur they are not in proportion to births. Many souls have desired to come into the earth, and I have allowed this, in many different circumstances. Never has there been a human population like the present one. Sometimes I destroy, and sometimes I build up. A time to build up, and a time to break down.

So, yes, I could destroy again. There are present abominations, and I could, once again, hold humans responsible for turning their hearts away from Me. My Christ spirit could not be negated, and those who believe Me and try to serve Me, even imperfectly, would be saved, even though their bodies might die. Those who have served Me truly have always been a remnant. Yet they have always been an influence for Me, here in the earth and in other realms. The death of an earth body, however tragic it may seem, is of little final consequence.

The earthquakes, hurricanes, wars, famines, and diseases of the past have had no lasting effect. I initiated and I allowed much destruction of the Jewish people. They are My people, even as they still reject Me as the Christ. They now are both gathered in Israel and dispersed over the earth. They continue to both suffer and thrive. They may lose their homeland again to an increasing Arab population. Or they may somehow hang on to it. And I may intervene… either way.

I have told you many times of the present abominations. These are the vast material possessions that characterize your culture. And it is the idolization of these that constitutes the true abomination. You know that, under present thinking, there must be continued production of many kinds of luxuries and still your people crave more. Unless there is repentance for profligate living and more sharing of the necessities of life there again could be destruction.

The other abomination I see is a lack of concern for the earth and its natural capacities to adapt. There is little concern for the future and for those who shall be in human form in the next generations. Wastes are being produced that will destroy people in the future, and there will be lamenting of these losses. I do not call you to be a prophet who shall decry these practices, but I do offer you opportunities to teach and influence in less mystical and bombastic ways.

You also read of violence, destruction, and drug-taking in the cities of your nation. These, too, are abominations, for good earth lives are wasted, in early death or in jails and prisons. Much violence develops out of desires for a better material life, when there are great differences in how people live. Violence also results when those who procreate do not accept responsibility as parents. This is a worse abomination than abortion.

So, abominations thrive, but the population grows. Balancing shall come, caused or allowed by Me, as Almighty God. You could be affected, for you, too, are not without sin. All of those destroyed, in one way or another, will not be judged alike. Some who lose their earth lives shall be gloriously welcomed and shall continue on a path less hazardous than the human.

MON., OCT. 1, 1990, 6:25 AM

You read in Ezekiel about Me, as Almighty God, destroying people. In the New Testament I come as Jesus, who is mostly gentle, and there is no mass killing. Instead, I give My life that those who were evil in persecuting Me would be saved. Was I “better” in the New Testament than I was in Ezekiel’s time? What about this destruction of people? What are the present “abominations” for which destruction is merited?

First, as Almighty God I can take any action imaginable, and, over earth time, I balance . . .

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