Destructive Weather

WED., SEPT. 15, 1999, 8:38 AM

You await news of the path of Hurricane Floyd and its effects on son Bob and his family. They are moving away from the coast, but so are many other folk, “non-efficiently” in automobiles, so there will be frustrations, but probably no actual harm to them. They worry, of course, about their home and what else they “leave behind,” but in a few days all shall know of what destruction this unique storm caused.

“This is My Father’s world” is still a statement of truth. I, as the Triune God, have created this “star” called Earth as an environment for human bodily life. But humans could not exist for long without other life forms, so My greatest creation is not just the earth, or just humans, but the whole ecosystem, with a great variety and diversity of life forms. The conditions for this variety of life are good, and so birth, life, and death characterize this earth scene, in its ecological context.

“Weather” is one phenomenon of this Creation that is absolutely necessary, but quite variable in its effects on your humans and what you have created. There is no reason for Me to try to explain why there must be changes in the weather, except to note that effects of the sun, of climate, water, wind, and earth must be in a changing mode if human life is to survive and prosper on all of the continents on this sphere.

There can be no place where “weather” is “perfect” all the time. “Change” means that, anywhere in the earth, some days and nights will be pleasant for humans, while others will be unpleasant to downright dangerous. Your son Bob’s home and place of employment is in a coastal city that usually is hot and humid in the summer, but rather mild most of the rest of the year. Yet combinations of temperatures, winds, and ocean water can result in hurricanes, and this one threatens that otherwise almost ideal living place.

You live in another quite pleasant part of this continent, with summers a bit more moderate, and winters a bit more harsh. You are not threatened by hurricanes, but tornadoes, another wind phenomenon, are possible in certain seasons. And there is the lingering threat of a major earthquake, because of the way the underlying “plates” of the earth “are” in this region. (You needn’t know why I chose to create the earth in this way. Again, it’s necessary for the best result for all forms of life.)

The days and nights of the past more than a month have been sunny and pleasant, but because there has been no rain the fields and lawns, even woods, are dry, dry, and the earth yields less food (directly and indirectly) than would be expected. Thus even “ideal” weather can be destructive, in many indirect ways. Rain redistributes water, and water is essential for the continuation of all forms of life.

But again, one aspect of the destructiveness of weather is the damage to what humans have built and otherwise created. Your nation has a “super” space program, but its base, in Florida… ideal in most conditions of weather… is now threatened by Floyd’s high winds. Other buildings, including many homes, are damaged or destroyed by winds more powerful than planned for.

You see, in My plan for human life on the earth, “perfection” had to include some threats, some hardships. The Garden of Eden story, as I have interpreted it to and for you, is one that emphasizes that human life must have challenges. Humans sinned… but I provoked it. Death and destruction are the proper balances for birth and life… and all forms of creation. I have told you repeatedly there must be deaths if the balance of life is to continue in some prosperity. Add to the inherent dangers from land, water, and air the creations of humans, often excessive… and partly because of an excessive number of humans.

WED., SEPT. 15, 1999, 8:38 AM

You await news of the path of Hurricane Floyd and its effects on son Bob and his family. They are moving away from the coast, but so are many other folk, “non-efficiently” in automobiles, so there will be frustrations, but probably no actual harm to them. They worry, of course, about their home and what else they “leave behind,” but in a few days all shall know of what destruction this unique storm caused.

“This is My Father’s world” is still a statement of truth. I, as the Triune . . .

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