
SUN., MAY 23, 1982, 5:39 AM

You read the “article” that Chris wrote about her Devas, and then you thought no more about it. Now, o son, let Me bring it back to your attention with some observations of Mine. This is a physical world in which you now are incarnate, and it is measurable, quantifiable, and observable. Still, there is a lot more to it than meets the eye, ear, or touch. One of these “a lot mores” is the Deva. They are a good part of the earth plane.

A Deva is a spirit not incarnate in a body. It is not discernible by most humans… and it is not subject to the apparent laws of the earth, the physical ones. In spirit form a deva has no need for a sexual designation, so one cannot rightly be called he or she. “It” is really not appropriate either. Since their manifestations to humans are usually as a group I shall refer to them in this teaching as “they”.

Some devas have had earth incarnations, and some have not. (and there are advantages to each). They are creations of Mine, and they work along with Me, the Hoy Spirit, in helping some receptive humans with life tasks. You could be open to the ministry of Devas, but I have chosen to deal with you directly, so they do not interfere. Yet they are around and would be helpful if it were necessary. (Remember also that My choosing you was for reasons of Mine, not because you “deserved” choosing. The answer to “Why were you chosen by the Holy Spirit?” still is, “Why not?”) Devas are in communication with Me… are functional extensions of Me. Is that necessary? No creation is necessary. Just be glad I am a Creator!

The most spectacular known work of Devas has been the gardens at Findhorn. The so called “Green Revolution” has been the answer of human science to the need for more food production. If people could respond more directly and intelligently to the leadings of the devas the results would be much more spectacular, yet still within the realm of the natural. Their use of “miracles” that do not follow earth laws is quite limited.

The essential approach of the devas is one I am urging on you in relation to this Farm… know that there is spirit (not a spirit, but manifested spirit) in the earth and in each plant that arises, be it flower, vegetable or weed. If you can get in touch with that spirit and let it work with you, you shall have more of what you want and need and less of the “undesirable”. (You realize, of course, that if you harvest the weeds as they are young they give you less resistance and provide good food for your chickens. They are far from undesirable.)

You are not yet feeling this spirit in relation to your garden. You are not even manifesting it in your meditation garden as I would expect. If each planting and transplanting were done with the spirit of your beer-making and your rabbit killing you would be on the “righter” track.

Now is all of this non-Scriptural or anti-Scriptural? Not at all. You assume that the Garden of Eden was lush and full of super-functioning plants and trees. When humans left the Garden and went on their own they did not ask for the accompaniment of spirit, and their return from the earth was “natural”… and less than it could have been with the help of spirit.

SUN., MAY 23, 1982, 5:39 AM

You read the “article” that Chris wrote about her Devas, and then you thought no more about it. Now, o son, let Me bring it back to your attention with some observations of Mine. This is a physical world in which you now are incarnate, and it is measurable, quantifiable, and observable. Still, there is a lot more to it than meets the eye, ear, or touch. One of these “a lot mores” is the Deva. They are a good part of the earth plane.

A Deva is a spirit not . . .

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