Development Of Spirit

TUES., JULY 9, 1985, 6:37 AM

This shall not be a startlingly new Teaching, with insights that have not come forth from these pages before. Rather it shall be a pulling together – a synthesis of principles and examples given over the years. Your spirit has developed as you have come to meditate and hear in your heart what I, the Holy Spirit, have to share with you. There is no better way to allow spirit to grow than this, o son. Continue in this practice.

As in many aspects of life, the development of spirit comes from “use”. As spirit is exercised it grows and becomes a more dominant force in your life. The writing your students did yesterday afternoon was, generally, evidence of good spirit… and the very act of doing that exercise was a means for further growth. Yes, go ahead and arrange for Dorothy to participate more and for others to have the chance to grow by dealing with her handicap.

Spirit does grow in adversity, and this is the ultimate reason that the earth is replete with conditions and situations of adversity. As I have told you, there are realms of being with no trouble or problems, and growth can take place in these also. But the earth is a unique environment, and I like it, for its advantages and despite its apparent imperfections. (I say “apparent” because when I have created something and approve of that creation it is perfect, by definition. Nothing truly is perfect except by this definition.)

An individual spirit develops as it is in contact with other spirits. The relationship need not be a conscious one for growth to occur, but consciousness and awareness usually helps. The Sunday morning worship service is a meeting of spirits, and just being in proximity with one another is a potential growth experience. Even a class such as the one you are now conducting… one where spirit is a conscious and deliberate part of the subject matter… is a medium for spirit development. It is going well, but you must give it your full effort for this week and next.

In this regard, be ever aware that spirit develops out of planned activities and out of those that arise spontaneously. This means you must plan, sifting ideas and activities to come up with the best possible, but even the best laid plans should be set aside for some spontaneous moment that arises that shall give a boost to spirit.

You have some pretty good idea of the spiritual orientations of the members of this group. (Wouldn’t it be useful to have such a measure of every group with whom you deal?) This lets you know that whatever the activity or subject matter there will be a range in natural acceptance and appreciation. This will range from eager acceptance to almost angry rejection. Yet you must know, and you must let them know, that a seemingly distasteful experience can be, finally, one of spirit growth. So be appreciative of differences, but do not let them make you timid. You need not please everyone equally with each class session.

TUES., JULY 9, 1985, 6:37 AM

This shall not be a startlingly new Teaching, with insights that have not come forth from these pages before. Rather it shall be a pulling together – a synthesis of principles and examples given over the years. Your spirit has developed as you have come to meditate and hear in your heart what I, the Holy Spirit, have to share with you. There is no better way to allow spirit to grow than this, o son. Continue in this practice.

As in many aspects of life, the development of spirit comes from . . .

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