Did I “Play” With You?

FRI., APR. 11, 1997, 8:06 PM

Well, o son, you promised to be here today, and I knew you would keep that promise. I gave you the title and the opening sentence earlier in the day, and now we are into our teaching-learning relationship, even at an uncommon time.

Our Ruminations that you have finally sent out deals with My sense of fun and humor. Over these years together I have given you many examples and many indications that having fun is a definite aspect of My Being, as Holy Spirit and as the Triune God. Let Me paraphrase your premise, offered in each of the three Letters on this theme. You humans are made in My Image, so all of your good traits are ones that I have in greater abundance. Since a sense of fun and humor seems like a positive trait, in you humans… ergo, I must have this in even greater abundance.

So, yesterday I was having fun with you… “playing” with you. You couldn’t find your checkbook, and you knew you had had it earlier in the morning and you hadn’t been away from the Farm, so it had to be here. You searched all of the logical, normal places, each several times. You looked outdoors, all without success. You called on Me to help, which was part of the test. Do you call on Me, even as I have told you that I normally let earth events happen as they happen? I actually want you to feel that I am a helpful friend, whether I actually help toward what you want or not… just as I want you to thank Me when what you want comes to pass, whether I “deserve” the thanks or not.

So, of course I knew where the checkbook was. I wanted you to remember the incident that brought us to this present close relationship, and you did. You had misplaced a manuscript that was soon due, and it was nowhere to be found. In desperation, you promised Me that if you found it you would return to early morning meditations of the written sort. I liked that promise, for, in the spirit of fun, I had put that “suggestion” in your mind and spirit. You found the manuscript, and just one month from today, 18 years ago, you began what developed into this. I “played” with you then… and I did it again yesterday.

However, there were a couple of other “fun” things. You were asking for My help, and you expected some sort of “message” you could discern. I gave you a couple, both false. Would you then turn away from Me? I didn’t expect that of you… and you didn’t. Then I suggested that Lenore might know. She is the wife and best earth friend that I gave to you, so I wanted her to be involved in this important. As you did nearly 18 years ago, you had several thoughts about what you’d do if you didn’t find it, and I often like the thought of a Plan B. You didn’t like the future consequences.

Lenore didn’t know where the checkbook was, but I did guide her a bit when she answered your question… but she suggested looking where you had looked for information she wanted… in the “wood box”. There it was. Case closed. Panic over. It was a fun game for Me, and you then began to see it as such for you?

There are many such stories in Holy Scripture, some much more outrageous, but these are not typically seen as My having fun. The first one I’ve commented on before: Eve and the talking snake. It should be seen that right from the beginning I was having fun, along with being serious in the development of human life in the earth. The Noah story as interpreted by Bill Cosby is full of fun, with comments from Noah… “have you looked in the bottom of that Ark?”… and from the Lord… “how long can you tread water?”

I came to Moses in a burning bush, and I helped him part the Red Sea for the fleeing Jews, creating the great Exodus recollection. I had Satan (My creation) tempt Me, as Jesus, with 3 almost ridiculous proposals for actions that would amaze My people. After My crucifixion, which was the final establishment of Grace (I did it for you), My disciples went fishing, but they saw Me on the beach, cooking fish upon a fire. Even with nail holes in My hands I was having fun.

FRI., APR. 11, 1997, 8:06 PM

Well, o son, you promised to be here today, and I knew you would keep that promise. I gave you the title and the opening sentence earlier in the day, and now we are into our teaching-learning relationship, even at an uncommon time.

Our Ruminations that you have finally sent out deals with My sense of fun and humor. Over these years together I have given you many examples and many indications that having fun is a definite aspect of My Being, as Holy Spirit and as the Triune God . . .

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