Did I Say It Would Be Easy?

WED., JULY 3, 1996, 9:09 AM

Your perception of this morning’s after-breakfast discussion was that this that We do together is discredited as reality. In answer to My titular question… no, I didn’t say this would be easy… or accepted by more than a few, but I did say it would be of great eventual value to you, and to the few that respond. Let Me try to lift your spirits a bit now, as you cool off from your walk.

I have not called you as a prophet. The messages I give you are for your consideration, and some of these are now part of your teaching content and style. I need no credit for this… no “Thus sayeth the Lord”. In Our Ruminations you are always quite candid about how the Teachings originate. I like this, and I want this to continue. Otherwise, you pretty much remain “in the closet”, with the “door slightly ajar”. You are uncomfortable with this, but you’re not ready for either obvious remedy (which I suggested late last month), and I’m not pushing you either way.

These will never be canonical Scripture. I have influenced humans, in my love for diversity, in many ways through these nearly 2,000 years since the writing of what is now Scripture ceased. Many have written more… and better… than you have. (You’re above average…that’s all I’ll say). There’s no need to compare. Just do what I want you to do, and do it with your best effort and with the joy with which I enliven your spirit. I lead you to these experiences, but I don’t want you to see them as “required” or “compelled”.

I’m just talking to you, helping you to understand the life you’re leading in a fuller way. I like it when you come and listen, willingly and with interest.

The “world” in which you live and function is, in many ways, quite different from the “worlds” of these prophets and of the one in which I lived and taught, as Jesus. Some principles apply, but it is difficult to know how they apply, and what new and revised principles are now needed. You wonder if I am still as angry and vengeful as I seemed to be, as My words and desires came through prophets. Then you wonder if I am as mild and accepting as I seemed to be as Jesus. Is all of the suffering in the earth just necessary, or should there be more attempts to alleviate and to prevent such? Or, is much potential suffering prevented, so that what is evident is just about right?

I don’t call you to be more active in organizations and groups. When you retire you will be seen by some as having withdrawn too much and too far. Just be aware of My directions and follow these. There will be unique ways for you to be active… ways most conducive to the development and maturation of your spirit. You’ll know what is right and what is not for you.

( 9:50 / 11:00 )

What you are “doing”, in this writing, is in the mystical tradition. There is no clear delineation between what is rational and what is mystical. Just accept My affirmation that there is a mystical tradition, and I certainly am part of it… even the originator? All mystics don’t have the same experiences… or the same types of experiences. There is no standard, orthodox, conservative, even Biblical, mystical way. If there is one commonality it is that, by your cultures standards of what is possible, what you’re doing isn’t likely… what any mystic is “doing” isn’t likely.

Can you prove that the words you write, which express ideas, concepts, even facts, are from Me? Can anything be true if it can’t be proved? Are your volumes of Teachings and your drawers of Ruminations, now in Vol. 17, any kind of proof? Are you an egotist who wants notoriety? Or are you a masochist who wants to be reviled? Are you trying to be blessed, in this reverse, perverse kind of way? Am I through asking questions?

WED., JULY 3, 1996, 9:09 AM

Your perception of this morning’s after-breakfast discussion was that this that We do together is discredited as reality. In answer to My titular question… no, I didn’t say this would be easy… or accepted by more than a few, but I did say it would be of great eventual value to you, and to the few that respond. Let Me try to lift your spirits a bit now, as you cool off from your walk.

I have not called you as a prophet. The messages I give you . . .

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