Different Experiences

SAT., DEC. 1, 1984, 6:52 AM

You come just a bit reluctantly on this cold and frosty morning, o son, even as you know that I have a Teaching that you need and want. You have concerns about this loss of function. Just know that the loss is for some purpose and await My directions which shall lead you back to where you should be. Trust in Me.

Now you shall have an experience in responding to the writing of My servant Terry, and this is cause enough to provoke a Teaching on Different Experiences with Me. First… the “Me” may be different. Terry spoke of a direct relationship with the Lord God. Yes, that is the way some relate to Me… though it is not your way, and will not be the best way for many others. Yet, as I said, some will find it rewarding, as I do heed cries and attempts to reach Me directly. (Not all, however, and the reasons are Mine… and many.)

Many Christians seek Me as Jesus, crucified and “dead”, yet resurrected, alive, and functioning. Some speak to Jesus in long and earnest prayers, and I do like to have compassion and respond. Not all can hear My response, for they often are too busy praying new and more fervent prayers. Others pray in imitation, and are not spiritually mature enough to hear My response. To yet others I respond sporadically or not at all. I know this is frustrating and against some of what I promised as Jesus, but there are reasons that also are consistent with spiritual reality.

Some, like yourself, meet Me as the Holy Spirit, and this usually is the form that seeks you out. Not always, for Paul’s dramatic encounter on the road to Damascus was with Me as Jesus, and I certainly did call him in direct counter to his then-present motivations and goals. Yet generally, now, I seek, and I bring people to faithful service, even, occasionally, against their initial wills. You are having the experience of hearing Me rather directly and rationally, for I have promised to teach you directly in order to aid in your service to Me, particularly in fulfilling the professional task I have assigned to you.

Some have true experiences with Me, in any of many forms, that call for them to give up some earthly pleasures, sacrificing for Me and My Kingdom. This is certainly legitimate in some, but, I also must say, false in others. Sacrifice and ascetic practices are not the way, and some will stumble badly in trying to experience Me this way only.

I call you to a discipline, which sometimes calls for some loss of sleep, and always for a block of uninterrupted time, but you know you would not trade these volumes of Teachings you now have for the undisciplined use of the time involved. I tell you again that, in My economy, you shall have no eventual sense of any time that has been appropriated from earthly necessities. You shall have, say I, as much time as you would have had without these Teachings. Time is one of the easy aspects of earth life to manipulate. There just is nothing certain or set about time.

Some experience Me as totally serious and demanding. Others, like yourself, experience Me as a “friendly Ghost” Who may speak in light-hearted ways, displaying a definite sense of fun and humor. Some will experience and remember spiritual dreams, some instructive, in indirect ways, and some frightening. Some will experience visions and crazy physical and mental expressions of power… Terry certainly is one such. All shall not have such experiences, but for those who do it is good to have an understanding guide.

SAT., DEC. 1, 1984, 6:52 AM

You come just a bit reluctantly on this cold and frosty morning, o son, even as you know that I have a Teaching that you need and want. You have concerns about this loss of function. Just know that the loss is for some purpose and await My directions which shall lead you back to where you should be. Trust in Me.

Now you shall have an experience in responding to the writing of My servant Terry, and this is cause enough to provoke a Teaching on Different Experiences with Me . . .

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