Different Times

TUES., MAY 15, 2001, 8:03 PM

You just have watched a television drama, centered in a different time, as well as place. It was pictured on the East coast of this country and at sea, aboard a US Navy ship of the time. But it was more than 150 years ago. The ship was obviously different from the ships of today, the uniforms worn were different, and the hair and beard styles were not as required now in naval service. There was only one role for a woman, but, in her expected dress of that day she also differed greatly from today’s dress.

Yet it was only 150 years ago, not 400… or 800… or 2000. You can think back 60 years, when you were in high school and drove a Model A coupe. You look back at pictures in your yearbooks, and, though life was somewhat different from now it was more like now than like this story you just have seen televised. Oh, there was only very primitive television, but there was radio, records, and the dress was not as different as compared with that in the program.

You were the equivalent of a midshipman in the Navy, but the uniform you wore was much more like those of today than those in this televised story. You had no experiences like that pictured… though you do remember some “apprehension” over the incident when your “big” gun fired unexpectedly, with you responsible, presumably. You would never have been hanged for such “dereliction” of duty, but you were glad when it was clear that there would be no further investigation.

Times… and the customs of times… have differed over the years, and you have, through most of your life, wondered about how these differences relate to Holy Scripture and the stories of life that they “tell,” “back then.” Would I, as Jesus, if I came to the earth, again, in your youth… or now… have different perspectives than those expressed or implied in the New Testament? Since I, as Jesus, did speak “differently” than the Jewish religious leaders of My time… and I Am the Basis for Christianity, the most dominant religion of the Western World. Judaism still remains, still, presumably, waiting for the True Messiah to come forth.

Oh, I speak to you, as God, Who can be called Yahweh, as Jesus, the risen Christ, and as Holy Spirit, Who was then, as well as now.

You write what you hear Me saying to you in English, the English you normally speak. I do not use King James English, as I still could, nor do I come to you in pidgin, that form of speech you enjoy and wish you were more “fluent” in it. (I like it, too.)

I Am quite aware of differences in the mores of different cultures, and in the ways cultures differ from one another… and how your culture has changed over the years since the time of tonight’s story.

Most of those in your culture would say that life is better now than 150 or more years ago. Yet there could be a television program on right now concerned with how modern life can proceed with the waste, in the air, water, and land, that is accumulating.

How do I, Holy Spirit, see earth life in terms of “time”? This is a good time to be alive in the earth, but some places are better than others. Africa has more of an epidemic of AIDS than does your country and some others. Is it better or worse to die slowly of AIDS or to be hanged on a ship, with no trial? Knowing Me as you do, you are not startled by My assertion that more deaths must happen, before the earth will no longer be able to sustain life, as of the present. In a time when much effort goes into sustaining individual lives, I still must remind you that deaths are a vital element in the vital life of this earth.

TUES., MAY 15, 2001, 8:03 PM

You just have watched a television drama, centered in a different time, as well as place. It was pictured on the East coast of this country and at sea, aboard a US Navy ship of the time. But it was more than 150 years ago. The ship was obviously different from the ships of today, the uniforms worn were different, and the hair and beard styles were not as required now in naval service. There was only one role for a woman, but, in her expected dress of that day she . . .

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