Dimensions Of Love

MON., OCT. 10, 1983, 5:58 AM

You are here, o son, with just a bit of reluctance. The commitment made is one to keep, and you still have the willingness and the discipline to arise from what could be a lovely prolongation of sleep to hear from Me. You just were slipping into a condition of laxity, and I needed to prod you out of it. You have books of Teachings, but your education in My will and ways has really just begun. And it is My pleasure to conduct that education.

I mentioned in your Teaching yesterday morning a phrase that suggested the dimensional power of love… and that I would teach you further on this matter. This is the fulfillment of that suggestion, for love is both a “many splendored” and a “many dimensional” “thing”.

First and foremost, love is one of the true essences of the spirit. Said another way, spirit is the capacity to love. When spirit is well-developed love for others and for Me is easy and natural… there is no effort… genuine love just flows. This is My condition, of course, but spirit must be relatively developed before it is consciously AND unconsciously aware of My love and can feel and act accordingly. It takes a strong spirit to be able to love enemies and those others who are unpleasant and unfriendly, and part of that capacity is from you and part from Me.

This shall not be a teaching on election, but it is one of My truths. You and some others (not all) have been chosen for special tasks here in the earth. For this you need greater development of spirit (and, accordingly, capacity to love), and I do abet this process. You do not do it alone. You have a part, but, as now, you are responding to My initiative. And it can be strong and compelling, now can’t it?

As I have told you before, love is also an emotion, and people with less developed spirit can feel the emotion of love. But this is strongest when the other being loved is friendly, lovable, and quite willing to show love in return. When this is not the case the emotion of love tends to fade like a cut flower. This can apply to Me (as God) also. If I seem to be loving by bestowing health, peace, even material goods then many can love and revere Me with their emotions. It is easy to love a God that has just answered a prayer and brought obvious healing or good fortune. Yet emotional love dwindles when the situation is like unto that of Habakkuk… and the love generated by spirit is what remains… in time of tragedy and misfortune.

There is also a mental dimension to love. Love is a beautiful concept, and there is much intellectual reason to want to love. Philosophies great and small have thought about, taught about, and written about love. Again, for those of strong intellect but weak spirit there is much value given to love… much lip service as to how important it is. But such a woman, or man, such a one may, sadly, feel no love… even may realize this lack.

Is there a social dimension to love? You bet. Just as there can be spirit within a group that is greater than the aggregate of individual spirits, so a group can love… those in it and those beyond, and new people entering can feel that love… or that lack of same.

In a “primitive sense” the body can love. Because the physical body is an analog of the spiritual body it has capacities that are love-like. The sex organs are obvious, and you know the feelings of positive capacity and of insufficiency. The body can respond to the touch of another with love… can respond to a delicious food with love, to sights, smells, and sounds that bring positive bodily response.

MON., OCT. 10, 1983, 5:58 AM

You are here, o son, with just a bit of reluctance. The commitment made is one to keep, and you still have the willingness and the discipline to arise from what could be a lovely prolongation of sleep to hear from Me. You just were slipping into a condition of laxity, and I needed to prod you out of it. You have books of Teachings, but your education in My will and ways has really just begun. And it is My pleasure to conduct that education.

I mentioned in your Teaching . . .

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