
FRI., APR. 16, 1993, 7:11 AM

I have told you repeatedly that your life is such a fortunate one that you are to be thankful, no matter what happens, I say that again today. You have a strong relationship with Me, the Holy Spirit, which means that your transition to your next realm of life will be an easy, natural one… AND that you will experience more spiritual growth in the rest of this earth life than would ever have been possible “on your own.”

You have the wife that is the best one for you, one who also accepts and appreciates this “gift” that I continue to give to you. The two of you are not exactly alike, but you complement each other in many of the ways in which you differ. It is a good marriage for both of you, and you should continue to love and appreciate her, as she does you. You are a university professor with enough status to be satisfying. You enjoy your teaching, your colleagues, and your superiors. You have to devise some ways of lightening the pressures you now feel are excessive for your time in life, but with some effort you can do this.

Your income is now sufficient, even to keep up with borrowing that you wouldn’t have expected, in your younger years. Your living situation is an ideal one, for you both personally and professionally. Four of your five sons are alive, well, and reasonably talented. Three are devout Christians, even as their paths differ from one another and from that of you and Lenore.

Peter’s life was shorter than you expected, but it continues, of course, in spirit. Even though his earth life was not obviously successful, he gained from being in your family, and you should continue to be proud of him. He is doing well.

But with all of these positive reminders, why is My title Disappointment? I just want to help you deal with the feeling you have, presently, about the lives of your four other sons. In the recent past it appeared that each was achieving success in his own way, using talents well, and fulfilling an appropriate “niche” in life. Recently each situation seems to have changed, and you are disappointed, not in them, but in their circumstances in life. You know that you are not solely responsible for all of the blessing you now enjoy. Similarly, they are not to blame for the misfortunes that seem to be theirs at this time.

Michael seems to be the most well off, in total. His faith is strong, and he is part of a very supportive fellowship of Christians about his age. His marriage is a good one, with complementarity, not unlike yours. He seems to have overextended himself financially, and this is bothersome, even as his business and his trade continue healthy. He is not completely satisfied with his working life, even as it continues to provide adequately for his family’s life. His attitude is a positive one, and you expect him to “ride out” this financial trouble, but you are mildly disappointed that his life is now more trying than it was a few years back.

You are disappointed that Matthew, your most financially fortunate son, has chosen not to communicate with you for awhile, and that he hasn’t been willing to continue to help his brothers. It is disappointing when ample money seems to be a problem, rather than the obvious solution to the problems of others. Continue to try to keep in touch with him. I still want him as one of My active sons.

FRI., APR. 16, 1993, 7:11 AM

I have told you repeatedly that your life is such a fortunate one that you are to be thankful, no matter what happens, I say that again today. You have a strong relationship with Me, the Holy Spirit, which means that your transition to your next realm of life will be an easy, natural one… AND that you will experience more spiritual growth in the rest of this earth life than would ever have been possible “on your own.”

You have the wife that is the best one for you, one . . .

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