
WED., JUNE 11, 1986, 6:15 AM

The first page is missing from the Book 24 binder… this Teaching begins on Page 2…

“on state” as an active teacher.

Now let’s apply this. As Jesus I had disciples whom I called to be with Me. They left the life they were leading to follow Me, wherever I led and for whatever time I specified. As you know from reading the Scriptures, some were more effective than others. Some are mentioned often; others very seldom. My most well known disciple, the one I used to help call you, wasn’t among the twelve, having to be called after I had returned to Spirit form. A Master likes to have disciples, some of whom she calls and some of whom just come because of the attractiveness of the personality, the process, and the content.

The value of being a disciple obviously relates to the quality of the Master, but it is rare that a disciple becomes such without some spiritual development, and this helps discern true quality. However, there always is some cost in being a disciple, which includes a giving up of something good for something better. The disciple must give time and attention, and even though she wants to do this, there always are other calls for those that must be put aside. The disciple may not initially understand a deep and important teaching. A form of learning, particularly if it is experiential, may be uncomfortable, even painful. From time to time the Master may test a disciple, perhaps with what appears to be abandonment. Yes, testing of discipleship is an important, recurring requirement.

All right and now, how does this apply to you? Do I, the Holy Spirit, still call disciples? You bet… and I did call you. You have both the opportunity and the responsibility to learn from Me in this now developed, now ritualistic way. Yet you know that I also offer other ways of learning. You have just gone through an experience that tested your humility and your capacity to forgive. You have a class based in these Teachings of Mine, and this should continue, for it is another way for you to learn. You are not the Master, and you must gently remind some who come to think of you as such. Still, for those who need a tangible master, you do stand for Me, imperfect as you are.

WED., JUNE 11, 1986, 6:15 AM

The first page is missing from the Book 24 binder… this Teaching begins on Page 2…

“on state” as an active teacher.

Now let’s apply this. As Jesus I had disciples whom I called to be with Me. They left the life they were leading to follow Me, wherever I led and for whatever time I specified. As you know from reading the Scriptures, some were more effective than others. Some are mentioned often; others very seldom. My most well known disciple, the one I used to help . . .

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