Discipleship II

FRI., APR. 10, 1992, 5:56 AM

Do I truly have more to say to you about discipleship? Of course… meaning some ideas not already expressed, some expressed in a different way, and some principles that shall be repeated because they are of such importance. It is an important topic or you, personally, and also shall help you prepare for the last class on this theme next week.

As Jesus I chose disciples, some from out of those who came to hear Me speak and who were naturally telling others of My “ministry”. Others, according to the Scriptures, I just chose, from their workplaces. You wonder how this could be, and I reply that it was fundamentally a demonstration of the power of God. If a person feels the power of God come upon him… personally feels this… there is strong motivation to be a disciple of the one who has that power.

I recognize that such “apparent power” can be used for evil purposes, as well as Mine. Those who found and head cults and sects of various sorts often demonstrate powers that they claim or infer come from Me. I don’t approve of this, but it is an example of how some positive good can be imitated and turned to evil purposes, here in the earth. It is one of the “features” of earth life that must be understood and appreciated and “dealt with.”

Why do I call and chose disciples? As Jesus, I needed companionship, and, if you have a message that you want others to hear and consider you need a few who hear you often and thus can grasp the message more completely… and can help in the communication of that message. As Jesus, I had much to say and do. John was so right when he finished his Gospel with the statement… the truth… that if all that I said and did were recorded the world could not hold all of the books. It is an exaggeration, of course, but, still, a truth, in that what was recorded is only what disciples remembered.

Yet the Scriptural story also suggests that it is not necessary for all disciples to accomplish in obvious ways. Of the original twelve Peter, John, James, Matthew, and Judas were the most active in their discipleship. (You know, from previous Teachings that it is not strange that I include Judas, for his was an important role in the way I chose to give My life for you all. I could have done it just by Myself, but I let Judas “help.”) The others, like Thomas and Bartholomew, were less “productive,” but they still were good companions and disciples. Though I have given you tasks to do, your discipleship is based in just hearing Me and letting Me be your constant guide. You are My companion, and I want to be yours. You are not important in the world scene, but you are important as a disciple true to your calling. What you do is not as vital as who you are.

You are part of a culture that emphasizes production and accomplishment. You have been one who has accepted such a value, and you have produced and accomplished quite acceptably. You now are part of a minor important movement to reaffirm the spiritual as an important dimension of health, and in this sense you have not produced as you could have… and invitations still come to you. Yet your spirit is well enough advanced for you to be enjoying enlightenment, which tells you that accomplishments must not come at the expense of awareness and appreciation… of Me and of My world.

FRI., APR. 10, 1992, 5:56 AM

Do I truly have more to say to you about discipleship? Of course… meaning some ideas not already expressed, some expressed in a different way, and some principles that shall be repeated because they are of such importance. It is an important topic or you, personally, and also shall help you prepare for the last class on this theme next week.

As Jesus I chose disciples, some from out of those who came to hear Me speak and who were naturally telling others of My “ministry”. Others, according to the Scriptures . . .

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