
JUNE 18, 1979, 5:35 AM

Truly, o son, you are showing discipline this morning (and, you think, foolishly) As you went over the 83 pages We produced during the first month you were almost more bothered by the volume and the time it took to analyze than by the quality and utility of the Teachings. That’s not very considerate, but I accept that that’s the way you felt. I guarantee that you will find the material important enough in the future (even the near future) to make this seem worthwhile.

Together we are writing a book, certainly, and yet, as your home library symbolizes, books are only furniture unless they are read, reread, and used actively. I PURPOSE that you LEARN from ME, and this has a price… discipline and time. We have talked about time, and all of the old lessons apply. And a new one I add (no it really isn’t new): when you give this tithe of time in a wonderful way you will not have any less time for other things. Yes, the loaves and the fishes story is an apt example also: in My realm anything, including time, is not “used up” when it is given to me. It is invested, and the result is greater productivity and greater capacity to do other things more efficiently. I promise you… you shall be no more harassed nor “behind” than before you began this discipline. In fact, you will produce more. You will actually have more time for other important things. And this would be so even if I demanded two hours (which I may, occasionally).

You are encountering My reality, and it is outside the confines of time. You cannot understand it, and you shall have trouble explaining it to all but a select few (yes, Jack knows)… but time given to me not only is not used up (ala burning bush) but it produces more time for your other good uses.

(It is this way with money, too, and you shall learn this lesson soon. It truly will take away one of your great troubles. Yes, this money thing has been for your greater good, but it is almost time for you to learn in some other ways.)

You could actually prove this presence, daily, of more time than you used before, but I don’t recommend that you do this. But observe carefully and accurately, and you shall see the benefits. For instance, there is no way you can accomplish all that you have planned or that is given for you to do this summer, particularly “subtracting” a profitable hour of each days time. But you shall so accomplish. Discipline shall prevail.

Yes, My son, discipline is a component of health. In your model it is an important part of mental/emotional balance; in Ours it is an important rhythm with Rhythm. Discipline is the opposite of spontaneity. Discipline is getting up when you heard My call (not the alarm) and sleepily sitting down to write. A discipline causes you to do things you want to do or things you should do, in order to achieve what you want. You may not feel like doing it, but discipline “has” you do it.

If the activity imbedded in the discipline is not satisfying enough, the discipline itself can seem “not worthwhile”. But you still find this task rewarding. (It really seems almost too rewarding, doesn’t it?) And you shall continue to. So I don’t ask for blind, unquestioning discipline. I shall make the investment worthwhile and joy producing. If at any time, you want to try a day without this time of teaching… be My guest. But be fair. Assess the day with care. See if it is a better day for having what, logically, is another hour. See if you truly can go through the day without being bothered by selfishness. It isn’t that I need the time. It is that you promised it, and then won’t deliver.

Discipline can produce a dependence, but, again, I have taught you that this kind of dependence can make you stronger and more able. For, if you remember, you are dependent upon Me, and My resources are ever with you. (Unless I hold them back for important purposes).

Yes, you are hearing that after this month’s writings, which must be analyzed the same way you are doing the teachings of the first month, you may then glean out only the new material. For there will be repetition. This is an important… a vital component of learning. If I want you to learn something well I shall repeat it until it has become a part of you and the way you function. And I shall not let you forget it. Continue to do this in courses in which you have instituted this. And do it in all other courses, too.

JUNE 18, 1979, 5:35 AM

Truly, o son, you are showing discipline this morning (and, you think, foolishly) As you went over the 83 pages We produced during the first month you were almost more bothered by the volume and the time it took to analyze than by the quality and utility of the Teachings. That’s not very considerate, but I accept that that’s the way you felt. I guarantee that you will find the material important enough in the future (even the near future) to make this seem worthwhile.

Together we are writing a book, certainly . . .

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