Discipline And Freedom

SAT., MAY 3, 1986, 6:32 AM

Some difficulty with discipline of your mind is what you are experiencing this morning. Therefore, being supremely adaptable, I shall use this concept of discipline as our theme, along with its complement, freedom. You were going to use the “vs.”, but I suggested “and” instead, for these do complement rather than oppose each other. Have the discipline, o son, to carry this Teaching through.

It is quite evident to you, over these years of writing meditation, that some discipline of your mind is necessary. You have many stray thoughts, as well as organized ones., that prey upon this process. Discipline is an important part of being human. There have been occasions when you have had to discipline others… and some benefit greatly from having discipline imposed upon them. In other settings you have had to be disciplined; some you have appreciated, and others you have resented.

You pride yourself on capacities for self-discipline. You can set tasks for yourself and accomplish these without pushes, pulls or threats from others. Yet you also feel that you are losing this capacity… and you are. It is not yet time to relax and do whatever your sense of freedom suggests. You have responsibilities, and these must be fulfilled. This is only possible with discipline. Occasionally it must be harsh, but most often it can be gentle but firm and persistent. Know that I am part of your “self-discipline.”

In many matters, but particularly those involving spirit directly… like these Teachings… you shall not be able to separate your self discipline from My prodding of you to do what I want you to do, what is best, and what you know you should do. Know that discernment of this difference is not important. Just exercise your self discipline in aspects where I do not push… like diet and exercise.

The balance for discipline, of course, is freedom, and these should be seen as equally valuable opposites. I can’t deny that in any situation they may be opponents for your use of time and energy, but one must not be devalued as the other prevails.

Freedom is a gift that I give, for the true freedom is of the spirit. Now the Scriptural tradition is mankind (in microcosm) in the Garden gave up the freedom that I offered for the bondage of the “outside”. There was a deliberate lack of discipline, an undesirable act of freedom, and so you must all live with original sin. Well, I have told you that I sort of “engineered” this “disobedience” in order that a better balance of freedom might prevail. I want all souls to come to Me, but I don’t want to force the choice too much. For when you choose to put your hand in Mine you come under a discipline, but this gives you actually more true freedom. Paradoxical, but true.

You have freedom to choose which matters you will discipline yourself to accomplish. You may need to reassess your tasks so that you have some freedom apart from disciplined jobs. Your perceptions are important, for you must see each task, large or tiny, as an opportunity for service of some kind. There is nothing you “must” do that is not truly opportunity. This is the perception I demand of you. You have the freedom to reject it… but you must not.

SAT., MAY 3, 1986, 6:32 AM

Some difficulty with discipline of your mind is what you are experiencing this morning. Therefore, being supremely adaptable, I shall use this concept of discipline as our theme, along with its complement, freedom. You were going to use the “vs.”, but I suggested “and” instead, for these do complement rather than oppose each other. Have the discipline, o son, to carry this Teaching through.

It is quite evident to you, over these years of writing meditation, that some discipline of your mind is necessary. You have many stray thoughts, as well . . .

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