Discipline Gets Harder…

FRI., JUNE 9, 1995, 6:40 AM

Your attempts to lose pounds of fat, particularly around your middle, were focused in discipline, and did get off to a good start. You went “cold turkey” on alcohol beverages and snacks…even on helpings at meals. Five pounds came off quickly, but then your discipline wavered. So this morning, on what could be a hot, but then a stormy, day hear some advice about discipline.

As with most aspects of earth life there must needs be balance. On the one hand I could say that I want My servants to be disciplined…to be able and willing to commence a hard task and follow through to its best conclusion. You were rather late getting to bed this morning, but I wanted you to get up, at awakening, and come here for this “chat”. Unless you must respond to some emergency I want you to write for the three pages which is Our discipline. I don’t carry you beyond this limit. That’s My discipline. You must hear me and write. That’s yours. Even though this time with me is enjoyable, as I want it to be, it still is a discipline. You are in a very small group of Christians who step out of time to be with Me, the Holy Spirit, for such a time span as part of your regular life.

On the other hand, discipline can be overdone and is “over-rated”. Often I feel like the God in that parable/story of the snake. As servants of Mine, with discipline, work hard for Me, feel ashamed and guilty about what is not accomplished, and live as if salvation does come in earning sufficient points, I am sadly amused. Enjoy this earth life. Putter. Relax. Contemplate…but not for a prescribed time. Recall that after two months of a meditation with Me every morning I said, “OK, let’s not overdo a good thing. Three or four times a week will be sufficient”. But think of how many more volumes you would have, of these Teachings, if I had required the discipline that I asked originally! More points, certainly.

Well, let’s get back to calories in, and your body’s response. It started with several slices of Win’s gooey coffee cake…then a couple of left over donuts…then some beer with Dick. Oh, you didn’t topple, but after the initial easy loss back to your “set point” you were not as encouraged by steady loss as you wanted to be. You started with a harsh regimen, but you shouldn’t give it up completely. If you continue to diminish your beer and snack intake, avoid excess sweets and dessert, as well as second helpings, you could lower your set point and accomplish what you want. But it won’t come easy, and it’ll take some time. I recommend it.

Yet My theme for today is a broader one. You managed the discipline to return papers to your class yesterday and will get their tests back to them today. You have stuck to your schedule pretty well, but you see that it’s getting harder. You are into what can be called “young old age” in your culture. You are not yet into your 70’s, officially, but most people retire before this age of yours. One reason is that it’s just harder to maintain discipline as you reach these later years. I want you to continue to do what’s important, in My terms, but you can “ease off” in accumulating “points”.

FRI., JUNE 9, 1995, 6:40 AM

Your attempts to lose pounds of fat, particularly around your middle, were focused in discipline, and did get off to a good start. You went “cold turkey” on alcohol beverages and snacks...even on helpings at meals. Five pounds came off quickly, but then your discipline wavered. So this morning, on what could be a hot, but then a stormy, day hear some advice about discipline.

As with most aspects of earth life there must needs be balance. On the one hand I could say that I want My servants to . . .

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