
SAT., AUG. 1, 1992, 5:20 AM

Sleep is elusive this morning because of the discomfort of itching. You have experienced this before, but it is a condition that doesn’t remain strong in your memory. It is another form of pain, and you recall times of pain, with your legs, for example, mainly through Teachings that you had while experiencing the pain. So with this the memory will fade fast, but it is an uncomfortable life experience from which you should learn, so I am here to be with you in this unusually cool summer morning. Listen and hear, o son.

The body that it has been yours to inhabit over these 66 years is a good one, and it still functions well. So when it experiences a mild problem it does attract your attention. You know that it is a minor malfunction as you compare it with others whom you know or whom you observe. The blisters are bothersome, and the “waves” of itching certainly are, but let them be reminders of the generally good functioning of your whole self. Do not let this experience distract you from good use of your time and from appreciation of your mostly good, comfortable life.

You see that you are up to experience the dawn of what is predicted to be an unusually ideal day. The colors of dawn are before you. Let this beauty override the discomfort of your body. Do the errand you had planned for yesterday as another way of focusing on this beauty. If you’re active and focusing on some task your actual discomfort will be less. This activity, being with Me, is helpful, but obviously not sufficient to block out all unpleasant sensation… but better than just lying in bed, awake.

You have almost forgotten the experience of pain… that of 11 years ago and that of just last year. You almost have forgotten the disability that was yours for many months. I do want you to remember My prescription for relief and recovery. That’s why the numbness remains. Appreciation for your blessings and an overt showing of your spirit are what I asked of you… and I still do. If you seem to forget I might just have to offer you another physical challenge. Remembering is prevention.

What you are experiencing now is an almost complete skin reaction to… something. Relief is brief, but appreciate, for example, that, presently your feet are comfortable. Other regions itch, but your feet feel good. Try to generate this “regional” appreciation. Take a break now and return to Me later in the morning for more observations on this time of discomfort. ( 6:04 / 8:45 PM )

You see, I was right… with activity you had virtually no itching, and with the exception of that one heel, your feet have felt very normal. So, now I shall comment on some other “forms” of discomfort.

You experience proper discomfort when this Farm doesn’t look as neat and beautiful as it should. You remedied some of that today, and you should have part of tomorrow to work for additional beauty. What you did accomplish was worthwhile… preparing for wood cutting and weatherproofing the picnic table. The state of that good table was becoming more and more of a discomfort. The cross is also in need, but not really immediate.

Discomfort comes to you when your flowers don’t bloom as they should, but that must be a resolve for next year. It does take action at the proper times, and more care than you’ve given them this year. Summer for you cannot be comfortable without flowers in profusion.

SAT., AUG. 1, 1992, 5:20 AM

Sleep is elusive this morning because of the discomfort of itching. You have experienced this before, but it is a condition that doesn’t remain strong in your memory. It is another form of pain, and you recall times of pain, with your legs, for example, mainly through Teachings that you had while experiencing the pain. So with this the memory will fade fast, but it is an uncomfortable life experience from which you should learn, so I am here to be with you in this unusually cool summer morning. Listen . . .

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