
MAY 30, 1979, 5:45 AM

I have given you a word, o son, again even before you riseth… a word that shall bring forth wisdom. You resist the word coming to you that quickly and clearly. You still feel you must struggle for a theme, and, as I said, on some days you will have to. But it is interesting to Me that you show discontent in the midst of the success of having your key word immediately.

Yes, in general I shall “write the word upon your mind” and you shall both hear it and see it. Then when it is written down the teaching that it inspires will flow through this old red and silver pen. You know the process, I just thought you should write it down should these pages be read by others some time. I allowed, even encouraged, the addenda of your story of how We began this teaching and of Peter’s Mother’s Day offering. You know not yet how these writings shall be used. But I do. So follow My leadings as to what shall be written… even beyond the messages.

Discontent surely shone forth yesterday in the talks with My servant Larry. (You are frightened a bit now: will this be a prophecy? No, We shall just talk of the state of discontent.) Certainly he is in a situation (of My making) in which discontent is almost too mild a description. But discontent can be wide ranging, covering all shades of departure from contentment. He says he is content in Me, and this is truer than it has been before (and for this I am pleased), but he also mirrors discontent with what is happening to him. I know that you wonder whether this is a discontent he honestly should have… a means to accomplish something I want… or whether it is a weak discontent… an unwillingness to accept what I purpose for him at this time. I shall not say. (Are you relieved? You don’t seem to want to be a prophet!)

Discontent is something I use, and yet also something that saddens My heart. Remember Tieboat’s statement, “Never rob a man of his despair” (True for women also… children too). This is a strong version of what I mean. Discontent is a motivating feeling. It isn’t the best, but it does move people from one state to another. It helps accomplish tasks I want done, and therefore it is of use to Me.

Still, discontent mirrors a troubled soul. It shows forth a desire to have things another way… perhaps, to have other gods before Me. (and I, of course, deplore this). Search your soul, o son, at those times of discontent, and see if you can discern whether the discontent is of Me or is of you. It is a test, and all tests require faith.

Faith is something you have, but it also is ever becoming. Faith must be tested. Faith must grow from being truly exercised. It often doesn’t matter to Me what the outcome of a situation is. What reaches My heart is how faith is applied… how faith grows in the occasion of discontent.

MAY 30, 1979, 5:45 AM

I have given you a word, o son, again even before you riseth… a word that shall bring forth wisdom. You resist the word coming to you that quickly and clearly. You still feel you must struggle for a theme, and, as I said, on some days you will have to. But it is interesting to Me that you show discontent in the midst of the success of having your key word immediately.

Yes, in general I shall “write the word upon your mind” and you shall both hear it and see it. Then . . .

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