
SAT., MAY 7, 1988, 6:29 AM

There are various forms of disease that afflict humans in earth life. You are living in a culture that is quite concerned about disease and which has much capacity to prevent and to treat disease. It is generally assumed that I, the Holy Spirit, am opposed to all disease and desire that everyone live a disease-free life, in a totally healthy state. Well, you know this is not quite true. Listen, and you will hear why.

Disease is part of the reality of earth life. There are dangers in being born a human, even in as “clean” a culture as yours. As I have told you many times, the purpose of life is spiritual growth (nice preparedness!), and earth life has myriad challenges that can enhance growth or can stunt and even retard that growth. Disease is a general challenge, and each form of disease, coupled with its seriousness, is a specific challenge.

I am not perverse in allowing the disease process to go on in the earth. I know it produces suffering, and I buffer and moderate a good deal of suffering, but, in the long, wide view of ever-lasting life that I have, I see the positive results, and so I generally let natural processes continue. Now one of those “natural processes” is human development of medical systems, using both the ingenuity and the straightforward thinking of the mind to understand and counter disease processes. I have no objection to scientific medicine, with its vast, growing technology to diagnose and treat disease. When it is practiced with spiritual force, accepting spirit as vital in both the patient and those who treat… and in the healing process… I can be actively involved. However, when it is practiced as a purely scientific, humanistic enterprise, with no acceptance of (and even disdain for) the spirit in all concerned then I just let it function, and it may then cause as much suffering as it alleviates.

Human bodies are created and grow with varying capacities. The creation process is not one of equality. (And, again, this is for spiritual growth purposes.) At one extreme are those born with fully functioning organ systems, who receive proper preventive care, who live vigorous but reasonable lives, and who thus live long, disease-free lives. At the other extreme are those born with abnormalities, into environments that are threatening, and who thus lead short, painful lives. Most are somewhere between these extremes, with more inherent capacities or more access to appropriate care.

Organisms that cause disease and infection are part of My creation, and they are not mistakes I made. I am fully aware of their effects, and I, of course, have capacities to counter them or eliminate them, but I obviously don’t. Disease is a balance to the creation process. Even the best of processes must be balanced, and disease is a “balancer.” As some diseases are understood, countered, and even eliminated (as smallpox has been), others shall arise. And the very environment, physically, that allows for the most effective services against disease of certain types causes other forms of disease to develop. Radiation is both a cause and a cure of cancer. Shouldn’t that seem rather odd?

I am in all disease situations in which I am genuinely invited. There are recoveries, and there are prolongations and deaths. With some forms of disease death is a blessing, and I am with that spirit as it moves on out of a diseased body into a clean, healthy spiritual body. That is one of My best services, much superior to maintaining a spirit in a comatose frame.

SAT., MAY 7, 1988, 6:29 AM

There are various forms of disease that afflict humans in earth life. You are living in a culture that is quite concerned about disease and which has much capacity to prevent and to treat disease. It is generally assumed that I, the Holy Spirit, am opposed to all disease and desire that everyone live a disease-free life, in a totally healthy state. Well, you know this is not quite true. Listen, and you will hear why.

Disease is part of the reality of earth life. There are dangers in being . . .

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