Disharmony In The Church

FRI., AUG. 8, 1986, 6:44 AM

On this day, o son, you shall contribute to the gathering of information and perceptions about the loss of harmony in the church of which you are a part. You have been a listener and a gatherer, and now it is time to be an active contributor. Do I have something to say that shall help you in this task? You wouldn’t be here this morning if your answer were No.

There is a rhythm to church life, as there are rhythms to the lives of families and other on-going groups… and to the lives of individuals. Even though the Church is the Body of Christ and should be in perfect harmony, individual churches are like cells or groups of cells that may be in the process of ceasing to function, dying, and then coming forth anew. In a physical body this death and new life transformation is often quiet and unnoticed. Yet it also may be traumatic and painful, when cells battle one another, with fever and pain.

The healthy body recovers and harmony is restored, but internally there may well be scars. There is no danger to the total Body, but there definitely is disharmony within your small portion of this Body, and the process of change has begun, attempting to restore unity and full functioning. Your part in this is not a crucial one, but approach it with prayer and preparation. Obviously this Teaching is a part of that preparation.

Go over your feelings again this morning and rehearse their expression. Of course there is conflict between your friendship with and respect for the fine qualities of My servant Duane and your friendship and respect for those who can no longer accept his leadership. Accept this conflict and consider the factors that shall help you decide how it shall be resolved. In your church’s system the role of pastor is not considered as significant as that of teacher, but you know that teaching has many forms, only one of which is the lecture… or sermon. You also teach by what you do and how you are with learners. Some can only hear the enlightening words when the relationship is “right.” In this way the pastor role affects the preaching role. From some experience you know how this works.

The Rev. Mr. Foland is developing a unique ministry, centering on helping churches restore unity in themselves, when conditions develop like unto to these your body is experiencing. He seeks My help, and I offer it, but he can be only a catalyst. Respect his role, contribute as you can, prayerfully and carefully, and then consider his recommendations responsibly… and then get on with the process.

Harmony will be restored not just when Duane has departed or a new minister begins to lead. Harmony requires a ministry of one to another… of those who have been hurt not only receiving ministries of reconciliation, but also ministering themselves. Perfect harmony is a lovely goal, but it would require a congregation of saints all on the same spiritual path, all at about the same place. Your congregation is not such, never will be, and shouldn’t be.

FRI., AUG. 8, 1986, 6:44 AM

On this day, o son, you shall contribute to the gathering of information and perceptions about the loss of harmony in the church of which you are a part. You have been a listener and a gatherer, and now it is time to be an active contributor. Do I have something to say that shall help you in this task? You wouldn’t be here this morning if your answer were No.

There is a rhythm to church life, as there are rhythms to the lives of families and other on . . .

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