Diversity: A Good Theme

TUES., JUNE 6, 2000, 6:10 AM

The first week of June is almost gone, and, by now, you should be “recovered” from your trip to Hawaii and ready to compose another Letter… the one called Ruminations. First, of course, you must finish the letter to Howard and Joanne and get that off, but there is no good reason why you can’t compose and mail out this Letter by the end of the month. Then… I’ll help you keep this “task” as the “important one” in this stage of your life.

We’ve picked “diversity” as the theme, and you see, by the titles you’ve identified, only in the last six years, that it is one I have addressed fairly often, using the word itself in the title. And you know I have commented on this “love” of Mine in many other Teachings, not so directly identified.

I have created and I do sustain an earth scene for the spiritual growth of you humans, and it is one with much diversity. Oh, I admit that certain conditions of air, water, food, and temperature have to prevail if life is to continue, and while you humans are My prime creation you need the whole “web of life” in order to survive… but also to have a reasonably satisfying life, in bodily form.

You look out of the forest of trees around this house, with no other dwellings within sight, and you contrast this with the homes in which you visited in Hawaii. The one closest was the one up Manoa, where you dined with John Robert and Lisa, with old, big trees, but with houses close by. The Hamamoto’s home is a familiar one to you, and it does have views of Diamond Head and of the ocean, but it is “packed tight” among other houses. The Monsarrat’s home is on another hillside, with good views, but, again, is close amongst other houses and with a single tree.

And as you think back on the homes in which you’ve lived you do see diversity in neighborhoods and type of home. And you have lived, for any period of time, in only three states in this country, so you realize, but only vicariously, how diverse the living conditions for humans are. You are middle-class, in this country, and this limits your living experiences to a rather small range of “what is” for the majority of humans, even today.

I have allowed quite a range of languages to be spoken and understood by humans. You realize that this language, English, that you speak and in which you write, as you hear Me, is not universal by any means, but does “come closest” because of the power of your culture. You made some attempts, early in your schooling, to be facile in Spanish and in German, but the Cuba experience emphasized that though you have some familiarity with another language, you think in English and hence you couldn’t truly communicate in “their” language.

But the diversity that is most important to Me is that in how I am “seen” and “regarded”. I come to you as Holy Spirit, an “aspect” of the Triune Christian God. (So, at times, I can and do speak as Jesus, the Christ and as God, the Father, the Almighty.) I come to some as Allah, a single God. Buddhists and Hindus are not alike in their perceptions, and they are quite different from you Christians. Then I allow some humans, individually or as groups (Communists being the most obvious) to deny that I exist or that there is any reality other than what they can touch, see, smell, or… imagine.

And, just for fun, I encourage a few of you (and you are quite a diverse “group”, too) to be mystics – to experience the mystical in the midst of this quite tangible earth scene. You do not loudly proclaim that you have been chosen to hear Me, and to write what you hear, speaking as Holy Spirit. Why not? Because you value acceptance by other humans, and you realize that many more would reject you than would honor you.

TUES., JUNE 6, 2000, 6:10 AM

The first week of June is almost gone, and, by now, you should be “recovered” from your trip to Hawaii and ready to compose another Letter… the one called Ruminations. First, of course, you must finish the letter to Howard and Joanne and get that off, but there is no good reason why you can’t compose and mail out this Letter by the end of the month. Then… I’ll help you keep this “task” as the “important one” in this stage of your life.

We’ve picked “diversity” as . . .

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