Diversity… And Me

MON., MAR. 16, 1998, 11:52 AM

Yes, o son, as you reveal yourself in relationship with Me on Wednesday you obviously will present, as one of My most frequent affirmations, that I, Holy Spirit of the Lord God, do love diversity. You can add, of course, that, as Holy Spirit, I am One with Almighty, Father God and with Jesus, the Christ. I can… and do… speak as any one of Us, as Three. This is mystical reality, which doesn’t make rational sense and can’t be proven. I still present it as Truth.

This affirmation meshes with the one that I am, finally, in complete charge of this earth scene. I cause. I allow. Oh, there are a few “accidents”, but I have great capacities to make such work in with My Will. As I also have told you often I have perceptions of the past that are “complete”, quite beyond what any of you can muster. I see the present in relation to the past and am aware of the uncountable interactions going on this very moment. There is no way you can even imagine this as possible.

The future is an indescribable intermixture of My Will, predestined events and actions, and the working of human wills… plus chance and the limitations of the earth environment. These perceptions of the future that only I have are even more mystical and indescribable. You just have to have faith that what I tell you is true.

However, here comes the application of diversity again – I have created (and allowed to develop) a diversity of humans, with different, and often conflicting views of Me and My Presence here in the earth. I communicate with many of you, in, appropriately, diverse ways. Yes, and I do offer messages and recommendations that do not seem to be consistent with others. I just am not “required” to be consistent.

One of My Commandments is “honor thy father and thy mother”. Certainly some parents deserve to be honored… have earned such respect by loving child-rearing. But… in some instances one parent deserves to be honored, the other not. Or… both have not been worthy parents, and, honoring abuse and irresponsibility is difficult to impossible. But then I say… honoring and loving an undeserving parent may be like unto the grace I offer you. It is not deserved, but it has the capacity to change motivations as well as actions. Put another way… should there be rigid standards for “honoring”, standards mixed with acceptance and forgiveness, or no standards and total forgiveness and love, “undeserved”?

I have told you, often that you have not deserved or earned this relationship with Me. Oh, you have not been an abject sinner, and you have been quite a decent and creditable human, a “believer” in Me from your youth. I have told you, also, that choosing you was quite in the spirit of fun. There are rather few Presbyterian mystics, and I do like to “spread mystics around”. So I invited you, in a way that does seem “fun-filled”, in retrospect. You were faithful, even through some challenges to your faith.

I gave you a small task, as “tasks” go. In addition to these written-down “meditations” you were… and still are… to be part of a “wave of spirituality”, helping to reintroduce the spiritual as a dimension of health. You weren’t called on to be a charismatic leader or to found and lead some revolutionary group. Your influence has been about the way I expected and wanted. You are to write, print, and send out Russell’s Ruminations, one in each quarter of the year, a Letter of interaction between you and Me, via the Teachings. That’s about it.

MON., MAR. 16, 1998, 11:52 AM

Yes, o son, as you reveal yourself in relationship with Me on Wednesday you obviously will present, as one of My most frequent affirmations, that I, Holy Spirit of the Lord God, do love diversity. You can add, of course, that, as Holy Spirit, I am One with Almighty, Father God and with Jesus, the Christ. I can… and do… speak as any one of Us, as Three. This is mystical reality, which doesn’t make rational sense and can’t be proven. I still present it as Truth.

This affirmation . . .

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