Diversity Has A “Downside”

SAT., FEB. 25, 1995, 12:34 PM

I clearly have indicated to you, many times and in many ways, that I created this earth with diversity, and I love My creation. Well, isn’t all that I do perfect and positive? Come on, now, look and listen to the world, and you see the truth emphasized by the speaker in the values program – diversity makes for conflict, even violence. So, My title… diversity has a “downside” to it.

Males and females constitute a fundamental diversity. The two sexes are attracted to each other, but also repelled. A few couples get along very well, and, for them, marriage is a positive, enriching experience. You and Lenore are not a perfect match, but you’re close enough. There is diversity among males and also among females. Could I have created “better”? I could have done it differently, but not necessarily better. And remember that creation is an ongoing process, so I could change the conditions at any time… but I’m not likely to do so.

What about homosexuals, those few in both sexes who are more attracted to their own sex, rather than the opposite? If I truly find this an abomination, then why don’t I prevent further gay folks, and let the current ones die out? ( 12:50 / 12:52 ) I have such power, even as I use it rather seldom. Some folks speculate that I am doing this with the AIDS virus. While it is a fatal disease that I now am allowing it isn’t “aimed” solely at homosexuals. They continue to be part of My diverse “spread” of humans, and some are quite dedicated to Me.

But the obvious “downside” is the conflict, hate, and violence, plus ostracism, which is spawned by this diversity. ( 12:58 / 1:04 ) I see some good coming from it, and I have no present plans to eliminate this difference.

There is much diversity in Christian religious practices… and doctrines, as well. In your culture there isn’t as much conflict as there has been in the past, but there still are attempts by some… street fundamentalists, now, mostly… to dominate and to influence government more than their numbers would allow as reasonable. Yet, you see, I allow and encourage these differences in how Scriptures are interpreted, which leads to actions and, then, reactions… and conflict. I clearly see the “downside” to presenting Scriptures that can be interpreted as conflicting, and I well expect the conflicts that arise therefrom. Again, if I wanted it to be different, I could make it so.

Christians, Muslims, and Jews, all of My people of the “Book” (though there is some difference in what the “Book” is), have been and continue to be in conflict. Do I side with one “side” as against the others? Why did I let Jerusalem be a Holy City for all three, knowing that this would unlikely be a unifying state of being? Just as you try not to favor one son over the others, so I, despite My preference for Christians, try to keep a fair balance.

Then when you realize the diversity represented by Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, and other religions that still have adherents, you wonder why I favor such differences. Oh, I do like to see converts from these more ancient traditions, but I also see some in your culture, who are raised in Christian homes and churches, who pull or drift away from My fold. I finally would prefer for some to see Me in some way different than expected, rather than to ignore Me or deny Me completely.

SAT., FEB. 25, 1995, 12:34 PM

I clearly have indicated to you, many times and in many ways, that I created this earth with diversity, and I love My creation. Well, isn’t all that I do perfect and positive? Come on, now, look and listen to the world, and you see the truth emphasized by the speaker in the values program – diversity makes for conflict, even violence. So, My title… diversity has a “downside” to it.

Males and females constitute a fundamental diversity. The two sexes are attracted to each other, but also repelled. A few . . .

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