Diversity… In Me, Too!

WED., JULY 15, 1998, 9:10 AM

What I, as Almighty God, said through the prophet Ezekiel certainly portrays Me as different from Jesus, the Christ, My Son, and… Me. I was angry with My chosen people, the Jews, because of their unfaithfulness to me and their attention to idols and other representations, not of Me. (Of course, how could I be accurately and fully represented? An unanswerable question.)

Remember, always, that one of My oft-repeated truths, to you, is that I love diversity. And… I am what I love. Mine is, essentially, a fully diverse nature. Remember your Sunday School teacher, Don Baker, and his assertion that the Bible was a story of My relationship with people, told “warts and all”. Ezekiel’s message is Holy Scripture because I wanted it to be so. I am a changeable and wrathful God… as One Who is changeless and fully loving. And not just at different times and in different circumstances. It is mystical truth that I can be All, Both/And, not either/or.

The Jews were both faithful and unfaithful. I loved them… and hated how they often were. I caused them to be killed, to die of starvation and from disease. They were aware that I was responsible for the tragedies in their lives (as individuals and as a people). Some repented and turned to Me, while others were angry with Me and full of hate… and sought “other gods.” They were My Creation. I knew there would be this diversity in them, a reflection of the diversity in Me.

The Hindus have a better interpretation of this than most of you Christians – that I enjoy the Maya (roughly translated as the illusion) that I am often displeased with what I have created, despite knowing that I am responsible… and I enjoy this ambiguity. (It doesn’t make sense in Western thought, I know. Mystics are aware of this Nature of Mine, and appreciate it, without bothering to “understand” it. You are on this path.)

Is My “stance”, as expressed by and through Ezekiel, still in effect today, 2500 years later. The Jews are My original chosen people. They suffered in the Holocaust of 50-60 years ago, and they were blessed with their homeland, Israel. But it was an occupied land, and thus they have had to contend with Moslem Palestinians and Christians, also. For while they were My chosen people they rejected Me, as Jesus, the Christ, and had Me crucified… dead and buried. But this was all part of My Plan, as God and Holy Spirit. They “had to do” what I didn’t want them to do.

Now the New Testament proclaims that you Christians, who have accepted Me, Jesus, as fully God, are My latter-day chosen people. I look at your American culture… diverse, but predominantly Christian, and I see “worship of other gods”. Even you, who accept the grace I have offered, and who hear Me, Holy Spirit, regularly and avidly… a minor mystic… are overly concerned with finances, and with other secular issues. Your relationship with Me tells you this is unnecessary and wrong, but your cultural experiences are strong and still affect you.

Yours is a powerful culture, militarily and economically, but is this sustainable? Can I allow certain reversals of “good fortune” as a test of your allegiance to and dependence on Me? Remember another “basic” of My Teachings to you – this earth scene is a special one for spiritual growth, for it mixes good times with bad… successes with adversities. Spiritual growth can come from experiences of adversity, and earth life is only one, unique aspect of eternal, everlasting life, the “journey” you now are on.

WED., JULY 15, 1998, 9:10 AM

What I, as Almighty God, said through the prophet Ezekiel certainly portrays Me as different from Jesus, the Christ, My Son, and… Me. I was angry with My chosen people, the Jews, because of their unfaithfulness to me and their attention to idols and other representations, not of Me. (Of course, how could I be accurately and fully represented? An unanswerable question.)

Remember, always, that one of My oft-repeated truths, to you, is that I love diversity. And… I am what I love. Mine is, essentially, a fully diverse nature . . .

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