Diversity In Spirituality

SUN., MAR. 5, 1995, 5:57 AM

Because of Our work together in developing the Human/Spiritual Interacting Wellspring you are aware of the diversity that I have created and allow in the spiritual as a dimension of health… and of life itself. Still, this is a good theme for a Teaching on a morning that you feel called… and yet needed the alarm to bring you here.

Yes, o son, I am the Supreme Creator, and hence all that is is as I specifically designed it to be… or else is as I have allowed it to develop and be. Humans are not out of My control. I know there is what I call “that minor theme” that is found in Scripture, to the effect that angels rebelled against Me, against My Will… that they were “expelled” from heaven and now constitute evil here in the earth, working against Me. And I don’t seem to be able to do anything about it, except perhaps to destroy everything.

I tell you that I have both created and allowed this theme, in order to encourage the diversity in spiritual perceptions that I find interesting. I have not lost My Supreme Powers, and there is no way these can be taken from Me. But some humans do rise to challenge that I, and My Ways, are in real danger and can only be saved by dedicated human service and action. These folk are somewhat misguided, but I love their dedication and fervor.

The yin and yang idea is not Christian, of course, but it is more of a truth than this competitive hostile premise. There are opposites, and they often seem to be competing rivals, with one being good and the other bad. Actually the opposites are necessary for the best life, and they complement one another. When you were awakened it was dark. Now it is becoming light and soon there will be full daylight. Dark and light are necessary complements, but there also is much in between… many “shades” of light and darkness.

All of this because there is a sun which I have created and fixed. You are on a planet that revolves on an axis, so that all of it benefits from the sun’s light and heat for a portion of each 24 hours. Where you are you experience darkness so that those on the other side of the globe may experience light. Darkness for some means light for others. Wasn’t this a great creative “move”?

In the cold polar regions that light/dark patters are exaggerated, and so it is with spirituality. There are extremes of complete acceptance and compete rejection of spirituality. Most of you humans accept the reality of the spirit, but in some sort of balance with life in a body with physical needs and in a body of other humans, not exactly like you.

Some of you look to Me, as a Supreme but outside force, one infinitely better than you are and one against Whom you are continually sinning, while I am continually judging and “counting”. Others approach Me and find Me loving, gentle, and accepting, “slow to anger” and full of compassion. Still others hear Me calling them and realize that I can have the initiative in God/human relations. Some, like you, experience Me internally as well as externally. I come from within. I “take over” your mind so that your thoughts are actually My thoughts.

SUN., MAR. 5, 1995, 5:57 AM

Because of Our work together in developing the Human/Spiritual Interacting Wellspring you are aware of the diversity that I have created and allow in the spiritual as a dimension of health… and of life itself. Still, this is a good theme for a Teaching on a morning that you feel called… and yet needed the alarm to bring you here.

Yes, o son, I am the Supreme Creator, and hence all that is is as I specifically designed it to be… or else is as I have allowed it to . . .

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