Diversity… No Ka Oe

FRI., OCT. 6, 2000, 6:18 AM

Yes, o son, two mornings from now you shall be in front of a class of Methodists, telling them of your “gift” and of this “career” of hearing Me, your friendly Holy Spirit and writing what you hear. You are less and less comfortable making presentations these days, but this one, based on a good Ruminations, should not be difficult. Still… you should prepare for it today, deciding how best to make this “disclosure.”

Your emphasis should surely be on My love for diversity, with some emphasis on the spiritual and religious. You have always been a Christian, but of the fairly liberal and non-formal genre. Lenore’s family was Baptist, but Mabel “accepted My invitation” to be a prophetess and a bringer of messages for designated folk. Then three of your sons, after some early exposure to the Presbyterian “way” have gone to more liturgical traditions, with Michael and his family being the most “diverse” in their Orthodoxy.

You have been comfortable in Presbyterian churches, and you’ve contributed well as an Elder, over the years. And yet you “combine” this participation, quietly, with this “non-Presyby” practice of hearing and writing Teachings from Me. Surely, then, you are part of My “diversity.”

You spent most of your working life as an academician, in a field that was basically secular and scientific. Yet you dared, after establishing yourself in accepted ways, to profess that the spiritual was a legitimate dimension of health and human well-being…even the most important. You had no major opposition, and a number of colleagues “were with you.”

Your other important interest was in the environment as a factor in human health, and thus you opened up this concept of health in a nicely holistic way. Much of what you professed was not “proveable” by scientific methods, but, then, I’m not much of a “science guy.”

I Am the Creator and Sustainer (accepting Me as the mystical Three-in-One) and My Creation becomes more diverse… while being “pushed” to coming to peaceful terms with the obvious differences. Oh, I sometimes “tire” of the conflicts, but these serve some purposes of Mine, as I see this earth scene.

You are not an important person, even in this rather unimportant portion of My human scene. But then I’ll note that you continue to be faithful to this Call of Mine, which makes you important to Me. You have some increased concerns about your health… your high blood pressure… but you also hear Me saying to you, in My Authoritative Way, that you’ll live as long as I want you to live. You needn’t exert efforts to live longer. Just live fully… and joyfully… and then be ready to move on to the spiritual realm best for you.

For I’ll remind you, yet again, that as I see this finite earth, more and more longer-living humans lead to disaster. Individual deaths are a necessary part of healthy pattern of life. It was not chance that resulted in your teaching about death, about the environment, and about the spiritual dimension in your final classroom years. These are wonderfully related, and you didn’t quite see this (clearly enough) as you professed, but their relatedness now is more obvious.

So… get yourself ready for this opportunity, one you have more often in “your old Methodist Church” than in your own, now. Seek a balance of your speaking and of their discussing. Be aware that you’ve had losses in quick thinking, so if you get “trapped” just move on. Can you still do this creditably? Don’t focus on this, but be willing to evaluate yourself when the task is completed.

FRI., OCT. 6, 2000, 6:18 AM

Yes, o son, two mornings from now you shall be in front of a class of Methodists, telling them of your “gift” and of this “career” of hearing Me, your friendly Holy Spirit and writing what you hear. You are less and less comfortable making presentations these days, but this one, based on a good Ruminations, should not be difficult. Still… you should prepare for it today, deciding how best to make this “disclosure.”

Your emphasis should surely be on My love for diversity, with some emphasis on the spiritual and . . .

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