Diversity… Up Close!

MON., MAR. 13, 1995, 2:09 PM

Your spirited interchange with son Michael last evening, was both fun and troublesome. It did identify some differences, of which you were aware before, but which do seem irreconcilable. I have created diversity, and of it I have taught you. I even gave you a Teaching recently on some aspects, at least, of its downside. You now contemplate the meaning and impact of this latest display, and you come, finally, for some guidance from Me.

My first assurance is that I am here and available for you. I, the Holy Spirit… even that One so often mentioned in that lengthy service of worship yesterday… have chosen you for this relationship. The why is not important. This is of no great consequence to the world, to Christianity in its diverse manifestations, or to the Orthodox tradition. The idea of your having to have these Teachings “validated” by this part of the Body seemed strange to you, and is not important to Me.

I know that some of what I have communicated to you does not match Orthodox interpretations and doctrines. I admit this. However lengthy a relationship between a part of this Body of Mine and Me has been, it does not give them the “right” to limit Me in what I do and say. To affirm that I would never counter what they have come to believe… and this encouraged by Me… yes, can be interpreted as blasphemy. I am certainly not One to fall back on single proof texts from Holy Scripture, but I did approve of that one declaring that blaspheming Me is an unforgiveable sin. I don’t affirm this to you, but it should cause those who hold strongly to such “proofs” to feel at least a bit uneasy.

It is not comfortable for you to be confronted again with how My creation of diversity divides you from a favorite son. You realize that his discomfort is comparable to yours, and you wonder why this has to be. Shouldn’t I always be making for gentle, harmonious relations? Shouldn’t Christians, at least, feel much more kinship than estrangement from one another? Again… if you (or anyone) are into making Me a more “perfect” Holy Spirit then the answers should be a resounding Yes. I am Who I am. I am One with the Father and with the Son, Jesus. We are together AND We function separately.

For some I emphasize the value and importance of tradition… of many, many years. I don’t with you. You shall never be Orthodox, and I don’t want you to be. Michael is rather firmly Orthodox, and that is what I want him to be. He considers, more than you do, that he chose this as an act of free will. If he holds to that too strongly he negates the influence I have had in his life. I want him to be as he is. I wasn’t willing to wait for him to make this as a free choice. I do have to smile when some Christians affirm, in their worship services, My power, majesty, and omnipotence… and then make such a big deal out of free will. But then… this must be expected from the diversity of My spiritual creation.

I want you to continue to hear Me, to write as you hear, and to compose Ruminations as I lead you in this unique “contribution.” You can be pleased that Michael states that he does read these, as they arrive. Be satisfied with this much participation in your spiritual life. As I directed, you participated in both services with a much more positive, seeking attitude. What you experienced still wasn’t meaningful to you, as it shouldn’t be. Yet you had more appreciation of this tradition, and I wanted this from you.

MON., MAR. 13, 1995, 2:09 PM

Your spirited interchange with son Michael last evening, was both fun and troublesome. It did identify some differences, of which you were aware before, but which do seem irreconcilable. I have created diversity, and of it I have taught you. I even gave you a Teaching recently on some aspects, at least, of its downside. You now contemplate the meaning and impact of this latest display, and you come, finally, for some guidance from Me.

My first assurance is that I am here and available for you. I, the . . .

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