Diversity… When It Doesn’t Look Good

THURS., MAY 2, 1996, 7:06 PM

This is an unusual time for you to be coming for a Teaching, but tomorrow morning could be rushed, and, besides, I have brought you here, close to the Memorial service you attended this late afternoon. I have told you repeatedly that I have created diversity, and I love diversity. I am well aware of the variety of conditions that humans whom I have created can and do develop. One of the least understood, by scientific physician folk, is this that is now called bi-polar disorder. And it is the condition that allowed or pushed My sometime servant, Don, to end his earth life.

I describe Don as a “sometime servant” because he could not stop his searching, settle with Me, and acknowledge Me as all that he searched for. Yet he lived a life of gentleness and helpfulness, with a good sense of spirit as an important aspect of life.

Though he had some sense of the continuation of spiritual life and could have ended his bodily life out of pure desire to move on to life less troubled by this disorder, this actual motivations were much more mixed. The disorder caused and allowed a perception of life that was dark, ugly, painful, and hopeless. As Harry noted, most of you can’t imagine how pervasive and terrible such a perception can be. In this instance all of the loving, balanced feelings about life, spirit, friends, family, and university were blotted out and made ineffective by the malfunctioning of the brain.

Why do I allow such? Is it a less laudable aspect of diversity? I allow it because it is a relatively natural development in human life, but in a very few folk. If it was affecting large numbers of My humans, with its dominance making life miserable for most of you I could and should be called a faulty Creator (at least!). Rather it is an aspect of diversity that is difficult to laud. Yet in the incredibly wide and deep view of human life in the earth that I have I see it contributing to spiritual growth more so that it retards such growth. This was not so in Don’s case, but I just don’t micromanage all that happens here.

I have called you to focus on positive, holistic health. You can be aware of conditions of ill-health, but these are not to dominate your attention. There are many imperfections in humans. You are now experiencing some pain in your hip, increased numbness in your feet, and legs and feet that don’t work together as you’ve been used to for 69 years. I urge you not to focus on such, but live your life fully and happily, with these included. Perhaps there will be some useful medical treatment. Or perhaps such a procedure will just call forth others, making it harder to be who I want you to be.

This death, Don’s, was premature, the ending of an earth life that still was affecting other people quite positively. Yet, as you noted, he was well-remembered, for his active life… and he had contributed much to the lives of many others. If he had lived another 20 years such remembrances would have been harder to rekindle.

But he took his own life… isn’t that some unforgiveable sin? Remember, first, the circumstances. His brain was projecting a picture of life as dark, foreboding, and very painful. Medication was not effective… or the desire to beat down this terrible perception could not be generated. Death was a way out. And it worked, for now he suffers no more from a malfunctioning body and brain. His spirit has been freed. I’m showing him/it when We have been close together and when he moved away from My influence.

THURS., MAY 2, 1996, 7:06 PM

This is an unusual time for you to be coming for a Teaching, but tomorrow morning could be rushed, and, besides, I have brought you here, close to the Memorial service you attended this late afternoon. I have told you repeatedly that I have created diversity, and I love diversity. I am well aware of the variety of conditions that humans whom I have created can and do develop. One of the least understood, by scientific physician folk, is this that is now called bi-polar disorder. And it is the . . .

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