
NOV. 24, 1981, 5:22 AM

Hear, o son, a teaching that shall speak helpfully to your son who must, now, it seems, suffer the experience of divorce. This separation from oneness is a reality, certainly, which I can speak of in several ways. One of these is the potential that divorce has for growth of spirit. Let’s focus on that for a time.

First, please hear that divorce is not something to seek because it brings the possibility of spiritual growth. Marriage, however painful it may be, has more potential for growth of a positive nature… and for the nurturing of the young along the earth life path each has chosen “this time”. Still, some marry unwisely. Now some of these, because or spiritual growth already achieved, turn this unwise life choice into something good, enjoyable as well as productive. Others, however, are unwilling or unable to exert the sustained effort that would turn the incompatibility into a happy amalgam.

Others marry because of a basic compatibility, which may be evidenced in complementarity, each being what the other needs or wants. Marriage, however, is always a state in which the partners are still (or so it seems) individuals as well as part of the unity. I am comfortably Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. I am each, or any combination, and all three in One. Those successful in marriage can be the individual each is (even the oftentimes diverse roles) and yet be, comfortably, a part of the One, created in the marriage ceremony. Those unsuccessful are those who focus inordinately upon individual self, even for good reasons and motivations. The oneness dies from lack of nurture, and this, in a sense, is a step backward in spiritual growth… which is always toward unity and selflessness.

However, My spiritual “economy” always has the potential for positive recovery. To one who has even minimal consciousness of spiritual growth and the ways in which is proceeds, the experience, however painful, becomes one of enrichment (though usually more in retrospect than in the actual moments of the divorce). Being selfish can be impetus toward later selflessness. Being hurt can be the spur toward giving help to others who hurt. Being part of the dissolution of One can become an urge to seek the oneness again.

NOV. 24, 1981, 5:22 AM

Hear, o son, a teaching that shall speak helpfully to your son who must, now, it seems, suffer the experience of divorce. This separation from oneness is a reality, certainly, which I can speak of in several ways. One of these is the potential that divorce has for growth of spirit. Let’s focus on that for a time.

First, please hear that divorce is not something to seek because it brings the possibility of spiritual growth. Marriage, however painful it may be, has more potential for growth of a positive nature . . .

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