Do Days ‘Unfold’

WED., OCT. 6, 1982, 6:10 AM

The first question you hear on this initial morning in Phoenix, o son, contains the stuff of which meditations are made. You also do not need the electric light, for the illumination of My sun doth increase with each moment. So hear and write about a day unfolding.

This, of course is a rather poetic way of asking the spiritually important reality question: is your life for today all determined, so that what happens had to happen… was just an “unfolding” of what was “to be”? Or is this a bad metaphor and is your day a tabula rasa, with no determinism? You know that it is neither of these extremes… and that there is another factor not considered in these philosophical opposites: My presence. How do they fit togetha?

This first analogy that flitted across your mind (upon which you did not concentrate, because it was your thought. Good. Now I can use it) was the opening of a flower… the unfolding of the petals into bloom. One part of that reality is that the basic nature of the flower is in that unopened bud – the basic shape of petals, texture, color and shads. So, yes, it does unfold. Its reality is predetermined. Yet as it unfolds it encounters the environment in which it shall present itself. If it is a “tough” environment it can distort, mar, and alter the beauty and evident reality of that blossom. It adapts as best it can, but it may, at the end of a day, be less than it could have been.

Now let’s consider your upcoming day in the light of this metaphoric analogy. (A purposeful redundance). Some aspects of your Wednesday ahead are already determined. Some of this is quite natural. You are here… you will shave and shower… you will go to certain meetings… you will meet and interact with certain people. There is also a beautiful, mystical quality to this “determinism”. You will meet and interact with some persons, unexpectedly or to a degree that is unexpected, whose spirits are attuned to yours and whose souls should begin to intertwine with yours today. Some I send directly. Others are guided by karmic memories, as you should be, increasingly.

However, there will be more opportunities than you can “process”? So you will exercise some choice in how you spend time and in which relationships you seek to develop and nurture. But realize that I am an active factor in your life, and that your choices and Mine are both functioning, sometimes in nice concert, sometimes mildly conflicting, and sometimes in opposition. Appreciate My nudges, but never give up self and depend on them alone. In spiritual “time” you will do this, but you are not yet mature enough to be completely a part of Me.

Mixed into this reality is chance, that is part of My created world. I do not predetermine all happenings, nor do events always turn out as one might predict. Chance, accident… these are “operational.”

Another ingredient is the choices and decisions of others, some of which are also influenced by Me. Isn’t in amazing that some experiences that are “meant to be” actually occur “as scheduled” when all this chance and choice abound?

WED., OCT. 6, 1982, 6:10 AM

The first question you hear on this initial morning in Phoenix, o son, contains the stuff of which meditations are made. You also do not need the electric light, for the illumination of My sun doth increase with each moment. So hear and write about a day unfolding.

This, of course is a rather poetic way of asking the spiritually important reality question: is your life for today all determined, so that what happens had to happen… was just an “unfolding” of what was “to be”? Or is this a bad . . .

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