Do I “Like” Deaths?

Mar. 12, 1998, Thurs., 8:12 PM
Farm Study

The movie last evening was about deaths, because of some construction mistakes and some poor judgments, rationally.  It also could have been seen as Divine Retribution for human arrogance as well as the “power” of such a simple “creation” as an iceberg.  There was a display of morality… honor… sacrifice… cowardice… selfishness, with a number of those who died achieving good “spiritual growth credit” from the experience (8:20 / 8:35).

Many of those who died did so slowly from hypothermia, which is not an unpleasant way to leave this life.  There was the spirit of honor demonstrated by giving women and children most of the places on life boats.  This was culturally expected at that time, but with women’s movements toward equality you wonder whether it would be different, 86 years later.

Now you just have watched a telling of the Irish story, with so many of the “tenants” (the peasants) dying of starvation or from infections made more lethal because of hunger.  These were both sad tales of what would seem like “unnecessary” deaths.  Again, in the Irish story you could ask whether I was involved in creating (even guiding?) the virus that ruined the potato crop for several years.  It was obvious that I didn’t prevent this.  Was this another instance of My seeing the value… in ways that only I can discern… of death as a balancer of conditions in certain parts of this Earth.

Yes, I do like deaths, because these are part of the balance of physical life here on this small planet.  Therefore I don’t applaud and shout Hallelujah! When it is announced that deaths from cancer have dropped .7 of a % recently, in this country.  Many in your culture seem unable to see that eliminating all causes of death (which seems to be the aim of the medical and public health community) would result in conditions much worse than now.  Each decade there are more humans, with more of them living longer, mostly beyond productivity.  It just is not healthy for this healthiness to continue.

Yes, I do like deaths, for each is a transition to the spirit world where I do have “many mansions”.  Oh, I admit that some deaths are “premature” and “accidental”, with opportunities for spiritual growth here not realized.  I also judge some lives to be lived too long, with very little gained in the older years.  As I’ve told you before, some of these come over, after much futile, expensive effort to maintain physical life and express, “Why did I prolong life, as I thought was “right”?

Mar. 12, 1998, Thurs., 8:12 PM
Farm Study

The movie last evening was about deaths, because of some construction mistakes and some poor judgments, rationally.  It also could have been seen as Divine Retribution for human arrogance as well as the “power” of such a simple “creation” as an iceberg.  There was a display of morality… honor… sacrifice… cowardice… selfishness, with a number of those who died achieving good “spiritual growth credit” from the experience (8:20 / 8:35).

Many of those who died did so slowly from hypothermia, which is not an unpleasant way to leave this life . . .

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