Do I Truly “Follow You”?

FRI., SEPT. 12, 1986, 5:52 AM

Several years ago I offered you a song, some of it already written, some of it adapted to our relationship. You have shared it very sparingly, even though you like it immensely. But it does bother you to sing a song that is, according to the words, being sung by Me. It doesn’t bother you that I should sing to you (would My voice be one of perfect pitch and tone, or would it be as ordinary as yours), but you find it hard to be comfortable in passing this concept of reality on to others. Hear, o son, as I comment anew on the message of this song.

Of course it is “a strange thing we do most every day.” It would be pleasing to Me if it were most every day, but I accept that your spiritual maturity isn’t sufficient to have you seek Me this often. You still are caught up too fully in this world’s life. I accept that much of what you do is spiritually creditable, but there is much other time that just is frittered away. Nevertheless, you do come when I call. We both know it is a “strange thing” we do… but a “good strange”!

You also accept that this is a “showing of My love for you.” This also is hard to communicate, for most Christians would assume that the Holy Spirit is fair and impartial, and since I don’t seem to come directly to them, then I must not do so with others. Without worrying about the reasonableness of it I shall just affirm that I am fair and impartial… and I do show My love for you in this way. Be not ashamed of this display.

I have succeeded in making it “part of you to be a part of Me.” These written Teachings are a tangible result of Our relationship, and as they are being produced I am part of you, and you are part of Me. Again, this is difficult to affirm, but you know of its reality.

As I have told you I have had this plan for you for “a long, long time,” but you had to develop to a point that it was possible. I also reiterate that I am not bound by the restrictions of earth life, in that working on a plan to make you understand and bringing you to carry out the plan did not “take Me away from other more important tasks.” I can minister lovingly and effectively to this total earth and all of its myriad, diverse inhabitants and to spirits innumerable beyond and in the midst AND STILL work out this process with you. So don’t worry about dominating My attention.

Part of the effectiveness of this is that you must receive these when no one else is around. You have places where this can be achieved, and this study is supreme. It must always be a solitary venture.

The recurrent message of the song is “follow Me”… so that I may, in love, share insights on the meaning of life with you. Now I certainly don’t need to learn anything from you, but I do. My nature, as Holy Spirit, is to search for you, and to have you find and acknowledge Me, both as Wholly (and Holy) other AND as an integral part of yourself… AND as a part of other people, groups, and the natural and created world. (Eventually, perhaps even in this life, you shall truly know that there is “nowhere” where I am not.

FRI., SEPT. 12, 1986, 5:52 AM

Several years ago I offered you a song, some of it already written, some of it adapted to our relationship. You have shared it very sparingly, even though you like it immensely. But it does bother you to sing a song that is, according to the words, being sung by Me. It doesn’t bother you that I should sing to you (would My voice be one of perfect pitch and tone, or would it be as ordinary as yours), but you find it hard to be comfortable in passing this . . .

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