Do Winds Blow?

THURS., OCT. 1, 1992, 2:02 PM

This is not your usual place for a Teaching, but you have received them here often enough so that you have a liturgy for this scene like unto the “original.” When you missed this morning you still felt the need, and I was with you, urging that feeling. So… hear Me, o son.

Basically this shall be a reinforcement of My repeated truths to you. The first is that I love diversity more than sameness. I have a vast array of servants in this earth, and I give them messages, burdens, and tasks that show great variety… even seem to contradict one another. This is not bothersome to Me, even as it is exceedingly so for some, including some of My most devoted followers.

The second is that I am quite satisfied with the earth as a realm in which spirits (and, therefore, souls) can and do grow and develop. I tell you that I do not lament over the earth, despite the conditions that are not ideal in My eyes. While I do have the power to come as a Wind and literally blow away all those who are not devoted to Me, I chose not to use this power. The predicted consequences might seem good at the moment, but I am not satisfied that this would be best in My whole scheme of things in the future.

The third, which is somewhat related to the previous truth, is that I do not control every person, every event, and every circumstance at every moment in time. As a matter of fact I enjoy adapting to what people in the earth decide to do, and I do this much more than I determine and control. Oh, occasionally I do intervene in some obvious way (and more often in less obvious ways), but I prefer to let events develop and adapt. One obvious example of this latter assertion, of which I have told you often, is that I did work hard to help prevent nuclear war. Though such an event could have been seen as a Truly Big Wind, from Me, I did not consider that its value would be greater than its harm. I have not prevented AIDS, but I have prevented other, more disastrous, conditions, and, as you are aware, the total human population is doing quite well.

Many charismatic Christians like the notion of My coming as a violent wind that shall destroy all that is evil, leaving them and Me. Though I love these devoted folk, and I appreciate their devotion, I would not be satisfied with such a homogeneous remnant. While I love their devotion to My Scriptures and their response to prophesies I send to them I also notice some inclination to be like the Pharisees of old, holding to one rather rigid interpretation of how I am, now, at this time, as Almighty God, Jesus the Christ, and the Holy Spirit. They are often too quick to decide who My “enemies” are and take action accordingly.

The winds I send tend not to be massive and destructive. For example I want the wind of love to blow. I want to see evidence of love in many of the situations of earth life. And I truly do see this wind blowing constantly.

Related to this is the wind of compassion for those who are different and less fortunate. You are not feeling enough of this. I can’t force you to more compassion, but I can remind you of its deficiency.

I want the wind of generosity to blow, so that those who have much will share, willingly with those who have less… and will support movements dedicated to better care of the earth and its diverse peoples. You still tend to hold back a bit too much, with not quite enough faith that I shall provide all that you truly need.

THURS., OCT. 1, 1992, 2:02 PM

This is not your usual place for a Teaching, but you have received them here often enough so that you have a liturgy for this scene like unto the “original.” When you missed this morning you still felt the need, and I was with you, urging that feeling. So… hear Me, o son.

Basically this shall be a reinforcement of My repeated truths to you. The first is that I love diversity more than sameness. I have a vast array of servants in this earth, and I give them messages . . .

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