Do You Have Time?

FRI., APR. 6, 1990, 6:44 AM

Do you have time, o son, to come and have a lesson from Me, the Holy Spirit? You were with Me last Sunday morning in New Orleans, after an experience of beauty. Since then there has been not sufficient time. I shall remind you that if the morning time is “out” you can be in contact at a later hour, when you are not so rushed. What I’m saying, of course, is that you must have time for Me several times a week. I cannot force this, but I tell it to your spirit, and your spirit will goad you.

Do you have time for all that you are trying to do? Are you pressing yourself too much for your age? Or are you simply not following your premise to enjoy what you are doing and worry not about those matters with which you are not dealing? I cannot answer these questions for you. I am not managing your time. I simply offer you opportunities, advice, and friendly conversation. You must decide how to balance this life you are leading. But I am interested and involved in it… so that I do have an influence. And your spirit does prefer time with Me to time spent in many other ways.

You do not need to prepare anew for these Survival lectures, but you do need to be sure of what you are going to cover. Your essential task is to touch minds and spirits, so continue to use illustrations from your life more frequently that quotes from other sources. Be relaxed enough for the lectures to flow. And, yes, do the songs as you intend. It will be a nice addition, as were your personal comments during the reading of the Chief’s letter. This takes only the time to be relaxed enough to do well what you can do.

Time is an earth phenomenon. You have experienced timelessness before this earth life, and you shall again. Therefore you have some slight memory and sense of what not being bound by time can be. Oh, you know that your life has been fortunate in that you, for most of your working years, have not been pressed for time by the regular demands of others. You have had many choices for the ways in which you “use your time.” You have accomplished reasonably well, for your motivations for yourself have been usually sufficient.

When I came into your active life nearly eleven years ago (in current earth time) I told you that these Teachings would not actually require time from other matters. Or, more honestly, I said you would have time for everything else… nothing would be squeezed out because of this “time” with Me. I still affirm that this is true. Though I have you note the time of beginning and of ending, the “time” for the Teaching itself is timeless. Mostly you accept and recognized this. The principle is that when you are with Me there is no time, as it is in My other realms. I prefer this timeless state rather than what are usually the restraints of time. When you move on out of this earth you will again reflect upon time and think, “Oh, how silly!”

This is a day of remembrance… the day your married life began. As I have told you many times this was meant to be… was not an accident or just “luck.” I purposed for you two to be together in this life, and you have lived it well. You have not had tremendous hardships, but you weathered some painful years with your teenage sons. Still, at this anniversary you should take the time to reflect upon the good times in your marriage and the subsequent family. Learn from the bad experiences but don’t dwell upon them, say I, the positive Spirit. Earth life is a privilege not all spirits have. So focus on the positive events or results.

FRI., APR. 6, 1990, 6:44 AM

Do you have time, o son, to come and have a lesson from Me, the Holy Spirit? You were with Me last Sunday morning in New Orleans, after an experience of beauty. Since then there has been not sufficient time. I shall remind you that if the morning time is “out” you can be in contact at a later hour, when you are not so rushed. What I’m saying, of course, is that you must have time for Me several times a week. I cannot force this, but I tell . . .

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