Do You Need Me, Really?

TUES., SEPT. 1, 1992, 6:29 AM

Yes, o son, My title this morning is this question, “Do you need Me, Really?” You felt like staying in bed for awhile this morning. Wouldn’t that have been better? You’re reluctant to talk about this relationship with Me with all but a few people. Is it really worth doing if it has to remain hidden from others? Couldn’t you really get along just as well with the volumes I already have given you? The Holy Scriptures do not continue to increase. Why should you continue to come for more? Are these enough questions?

Just know that I know that it is natural for you to have such questions, arising from doubts, from time to time. It is better to face the questions and hear My responses, for, remember, I am not calling you to be some new, shining evangel, who will bring a flashing new message to humankind, even to Carbondale Presbyterians. Yes, I do want a tangible product, a written Teaching, but I say again that the process is as important as the product. You are not coming to Me in this way for some reward, but there is and will be rewards for such faithfulness. You are a micro-Abraham. I have called you to be faithful.

One of My central themes to you is that I love diversity. I am giving you a positive picture of My work in the earth. I offer you Teachings to write and compile. And then I tell you to remain a Presbyterian, among Christians, most of whom are made uncomfortable by any affirmation about such a relationship with the “real” Holy Spirit. This is a challenge for your spirit, one that has brought growth galore over these 13 plus years.

You watched, last evening, the program dealing with the hole in the ozone layer around this earth. Is it as serious as this presentation suggested? Don’t My Teachings help you understand this and other such threats to the life on this planet? If I am to be consistent I say that I am allowing this interaction to take place, in one sense as a warning that there are consequences to manipulating the earth for the comfort of the present generation. (I also confide that I am not allowing many other potential tragedies, nuclear war being one.) This can be one means of limiting population growth, a fairly gentle one, when I consider all of the alternatives. Some shall adapt to this threat. A relative few will not. Food supplies shall be affected, which will be an indirect cause of premature death. You may be one affected, because you love to be in the sun. You also live in a relatively unendangered place. The balance may be in your favor.

Your list of things to do seems to be self-perpetuating, and I continually add to it, by direct and indirect suggestions. These Teachings are never on the list because they are a regular “requirement” in your ongoing life. I tell you again that the time spent with Me is really not time that could be used for other tasks. This is a mystical answer, but shouldn’t you expect such from Me? I could also say that spending this time with Me is increasing your overall health and therefore prolonging your life. Could anyone prove Me wrong? Just accept this on faith. The time is well spent… better than any other use of this “earth commodity” – time.

TUES., SEPT. 1, 1992, 6:29 AM

Yes, o son, My title this morning is this question, “Do you need Me, Really?” You felt like staying in bed for awhile this morning. Wouldn’t that have been better? You’re reluctant to talk about this relationship with Me with all but a few people. Is it really worth doing if it has to remain hidden from others? Couldn’t you really get along just as well with the volumes I already have given you? The Holy Scriptures do not continue to increase. Why should you continue to come . . .

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