
MON., SEPT. 26, 1983, 5:50 AM

You are here, finally, to receive some needed instruction, and the subject is doctrine. After these years I am a bit surprised at your reluctance to get up and participate with Me. I awakened you at the proper time, and you knew that you belonged here, but still you resisted. And now, o son, you shall never know whether your will strengthened or whether I forced you out of bed.

This is an interesting point of doctrine, so let Us commence with it. Is there free will or is there not free will? The answer, as you expected, is Yes… and… No. It is the clash between the doctrine of free will for individual humans, and the doctrine of My free will, and the doctrine of a karmic will.

The karmic will is your soul’s own hidden agenda. It comes with you from your pre-existence, some of which may have been in one or more earth lives. It, too, is a mixture, usually, of imperatives to accomplish certain tasks and have certain experiences of a positive, spirit-building nature and of habits and tendencies learned and practiced which impede growth.

My will is My will, and I do exercise it when, and where, and how, and with whom I please. The doctrine that I have given up My will completely and let each human fend for herself is downright silly. It is wishful thinking by some who have put a value on individuality on uninfluenced human behavior that is excessive. The Scriptures abound with examples of My will overpowering the wills of individuals or peoples. It is important doctrine that My will be done.

Having said all that I still affirm that free will is a part of each human’s heritage. Its practice may be enhanced or retarded by family practices, social customs, economic conditions, and political realities. Still and all, there is the gift of will, which can overcome, or go around, or “tunnel under” obstacles and blocks.

So, what is the doctrine? Each life is a unique balance of personal free will, accumulated karmic will, and the influence of My will. No two individual lives are of exactly the same balance, and no two lives in the earth, of the same spirit are exactly the same.

Another doctrine, related to this one, is that of My Sovereignty and Power. Any power that I do not have I have given up willingly and for My purposes, and I can recover it as I wish. There is no other force comparable to Mine in the earth… though I allow the appearance of such evil forces and even direct some to oppose such forces. The basic doctrine is that God Almighty, manifested in Jesus the Christ, and in the Holy Spirit is ultimately in charge.

Another important doctrine is that the purpose of life, here in the earth or elsewhere, is spiritual growth. Accordingly, any happening or experience, whatever its apparent nature, should be judged on its potential or actual capacity to enhance spiritual growth. According to this criterion the times of quiet, peace, and non-stress are the least productive and should be viewed as enjoyable times of rest, but not as the desired norm.

MON., SEPT. 26, 1983, 5:50 AM

You are here, finally, to receive some needed instruction, and the subject is doctrine. After these years I am a bit surprised at your reluctance to get up and participate with Me. I awakened you at the proper time, and you knew that you belonged here, but still you resisted. And now, o son, you shall never know whether your will strengthened or whether I forced you out of bed.

This is an interesting point of doctrine, so let Us commence with it. Is there free will or is there not . . .

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