
WED., JUNE 19, 1985, 6:18 AM

This is a strange word, certainly, but an important one to understand. It refers to absolutes. It refers to matters that have been, are now, and ever shall be. Every major religion has some dogma, and My favorite, Christianity, has its share. You know that I don’t sound as dogmatic as fundamentalists would have Me be. Listen, o son, as I chat with you about dogma.

One important article of dogma is that life is fundamentally spirit, and spirit, like energy in the physical earth, is never lost but only is transformed. So physical life in the earth is only one manifestation of spirit. It is an important one, but not as solely important as many in your culture believe. The dogma is that life is first and foremost spirit. (Because it is dogma it really doesn’t have to be defended.)

Another article of dogma is that any spirit that is in individual form has still come from Me, and the ultimate end is a return to Me. Each is on a spiritual path, and spiritual journeys are different from one another, but each can finally never escape relationship with Me. Those who live lives in the earth ignoring or denying spirit just make for themselves a longer and harder journey. But there is no final “escape”. Relationship with Me is the crucial relationship, and “the sooner the better.”

Still another dogmatic reality is that sin is lack of relationship with Me. It is not action or lack of action. It is not intent or lack of intent… except as this represents a moving away from relationship with Me. When you are faithful to me you are as you should be. When you stray away from this relationship you are in sin, even as you are not breaking any active commandment. Anything that you can do, maintaining relationship with Me, is just not sin. And you shall know whether it is or is not, for I shall “advise” you.

Considering this bit of dogma positively brings forth a sub-dogma (but all of these are important) – that the quality of any action you take, here in the earth, is improved, even transformed, by dedicating it to Me. You do this more than most Christians do, but it still is not as frequent as I would like. Some would say that this would spoil the effects of actions… or dull the effect that comes when you remember and make a “big dedication”. Such “tellers of tales” are not speaking from experience… true experience. I tell you that the pleasures of life are greater when I am included. And don’t include Me only in your “holy” and religious ventures. Give Me everything you do. Now that’s a dogma in itself!

It is important dogma that I, as Creator of all that is, am still active in the earth. There can be no explanation for any action, interaction, or phenomenon that is complete or plausible unless it includes Me and My influence. This does not say that scientific inquiry is not worthwhile. It does say that conclusions from scientific findings that do not include My influence are incomplete, and therefore not real conclusions. This dogmatic statement is not likely to change scientific reporting, but I offer it to you, for whatever you can do with it.

WED., JUNE 19, 1985, 6:18 AM

This is a strange word, certainly, but an important one to understand. It refers to absolutes. It refers to matters that have been, are now, and ever shall be. Every major religion has some dogma, and My favorite, Christianity, has its share. You know that I don’t sound as dogmatic as fundamentalists would have Me be. Listen, o son, as I chat with you about dogma.

One important article of dogma is that life is fundamentally spirit, and spirit, like energy in the physical earth, is never lost but only . . .

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