Don’t Forget Health

TUES., APR. 12, 1994, 12:22 PM

You are on your way to a health convention, where you will encounter ideas and people. I need to remind you now, in this preliminary period… don’t forget health. Health is full functioning and creative adapting. Your foot, with its strange sequences of pain, reminds you that you are not fully functioning, physically. You are doing rather well with this disability, as well as with the pains in your chest, but these still prevent the fullness that you’d like your health to be. You know My “remedy” for this loss – the spirit must increase.

Spirit has no limits. Through your relationship with Me you can generate spirit that is positive and even healing. Your physical shortcomings can be “covered over” with spirit, genuinely shown forth. Instead of talking about your disabilities and medical adventures ( 12:36 / 12:54 ) turn conversations toward more positive themes. Let your spirit guide you in some preparation for positive, spiritual conversations.

You may be accused of trying to avoid “reality,” and you are well aware of how your culture tends to translate “reality” into problems, epidemics, and all sorts of negative “topics”. With this translation the accusation would be appropriate, but I want you to see reality as that which points to the spiritual, or actually is of spirit. Thus, you may admit this disability, but quickly go on to the spiritual nature of the experience… the pain, the discomfort, the uniqueness of modern testing. You already are thinking of responses in relation to the MRI and the EMG… even the biopsy.

Talk about classes you have… about Kelly, Heather and Amy. Talk about Spring. Talk about Sarah’s and Jenny’s concern for the calf which had so little of life. Talk about the spirit in your Department, even with the competition that is part of the scene. Focus your mind and spirit on such conditions and events, and consciously turn conversations away from Medical interventions toward those more “real” aspects of life.

Health is giving minimal attention to yourself, and maximum focus on others… and the positive aspects of their lives, both personal and professional. Take time to be with individuals who are important to you, especially those who are Ruminations readers. Attend sessions that are of real interest to you or to hear some of your former students present. Otherwise spend time with individuals, urging them to tell you of how life is good for them.

Even as our “liturgy” in relation to the Ruminations is that you and I determine a theme, vary it some and ask for suggestions from some of those who are familiar with this Letter. This can force you to search, to do some real research for some of the next issues.

Talk about satisfying courses, and why they are such. Share ideas about teaching – learning approaches, and how these ideas originate. In this way, these extra-sessions times can be both personal and professional, with each of you benefitting… the best kind of education.

Remember that your field is health, and that I always urge you to see this as a positive concept. Share that your dilemma as you face these medical decisions is the strength of your conviction that the body’s healing processes are sufficient. What happens if you give up this conviction? Is there a compromise you can honestly accept or must you be a hypocrite?

But, of course, this, too, is an arena for decisions that involves health. If you can come to terms with what is best for your body, mind, and spirit and carry this out, with a happy heart… then you have exhibited health.

TUES., APR. 12, 1994, 12:22 PM

You are on your way to a health convention, where you will encounter ideas and people. I need to remind you now, in this preliminary period… don’t forget health. Health is full functioning and creative adapting. Your foot, with its strange sequences of pain, reminds you that you are not fully functioning, physically. You are doing rather well with this disability, as well as with the pains in your chest, but these still prevent the fullness that you’d like your health to be. You know My . . .

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