Don’t Forget… Stories

FRI., JUNE 28, 1985, 5:58 AM

The planning for the first week of this important summer class experience is going on now, and so you must allow Me, on this cool morning, to remind you again about the value of stories. You have some basic stories, and you shall get to use them more thoroughly than has been possible thus far. This surely shall encourage you to write some more, and, yes, having this as an assignment should provide you with yet new ideas. You certainly should be looking ahead to this experience, o son.

Stories can link the past with the present, can describe the present in some unique way, or can project on into the future. Assignments can include all of these. And… the letter is a special kind of story, and I want you to give this some attention. I shall not tell you specifically what requirements should be, but this Teaching can certainly serve as the best guide.

You shall not have a practicum group this summer, and I predict that you could have had one that would be quite worthwhile. Instead I encourage you to write a story of the workshop experience. It needn’t be lengthy, but you should write each day, preferably close to the ending time. Use the little book you found yesterday.

One of your best stories is that linking the deaths within your family, and of what people did to affirm life in contrast to death. Few of these learners have heard this story, and so be willing to share it. Tell it with care and with prior prayer… and I shall surely help you with it. (Don’t be concerned with time this morning. This is part of your planning process, that which you would presumably be doing on your own, if you weren’t doing this.)

Also don’t forget… songs are a form of story, and you have some good ones that tell of human/spiritual interaction. Don’t be reluctant to use songs, and have others do likewise. Poems also tell stories, and this form also should be encouraged… in creation or analysis.

Pictures can tell stories, and the idea of a picture for the day, as a stimulus for story development could work out well. Provide some of your own, and don’t be surprised if students bring in more than will be sufficient for the time available.

Human freedom is the basis for many relevant stories. Yes, it would be good to review the independence story of your nation, before the July 4th holiday. Balance this with stories of bondage and service and compare the effects. As I have told you, freedom is not the supreme blessing… and not the only condition for the growth of spirit.

Emphasize that growth of spirit is both evidence of present health and the assurance of better health in the future. Spirit is the unifying factor than can make situations of ill-health over into more fully healthy ones. Yes, use Moomaw’s story of the crippled boy and his own concerned with multiplying failure.

This reminds you that you have a wealth of material in tapes. You have not prepared to use these as you should have, but you shall be able to select, with the time before and after each session. Just be willing to give this class rather full attention, being concerned with the development of spirit as a group. Role playing is a good possibility. Use your imagination for other forms of relating.

FRI., JUNE 28, 1985, 5:58 AM

The planning for the first week of this important summer class experience is going on now, and so you must allow Me, on this cool morning, to remind you again about the value of stories. You have some basic stories, and you shall get to use them more thoroughly than has been possible thus far. This surely shall encourage you to write some more, and, yes, having this as an assignment should provide you with yet new ideas. You certainly should be looking ahead to this experience, o son.

Stories can . . .

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