“Don’t Know”

FRI., JULY 12, 1985, 6:00 AM

This, of course, is a designation used by one of My Eastern servants for an ideal state of being. How do I, the Holy Spirit, react to this? Am I supportive of this as a path to spiritual enlightenment? Or am I bothered by this cultish activity? You shall hear, o son, if you but listen.

As I have told you before, there are many paths that encourage growth of spirit, even as there are many ways, (even) within the Christian look at life. This one of which We speak has much discipline and much repetition (and just now as your mind wanders hither and yon you would profit from some such discipline… pay attention!) There are traditional practices, many that are not of this culture, and this helps set the spiritual apart from the ordinary.

In one way I approve of this, for ultimately the spirit is to be valued above other dimensions of being… and practices involving spirit should be special and unique. Yet in another way, the one I emphasize more with you, there are many ways to encourage and exercise spirit, and the goal is to be aware of and appreciate spirit in the ordinary mundane affairs of life. You can appreciate Me in the tending of your garden just as well as in sitting and chanting for hours. Each is a way.

This that We do together has elements of each. It is a discipline, for you must rise early enough to complete the Teaching before other activities press. There is ritual in the form, in the paper, in the pen, and in your preparation. I then require the practice of “don’t know” for your mind, as you eliminate other thoughts and receive the title. Then it changes. I then use your mind to connect with Mine, in order that you might know a portion of what I would have you know. The Teaching itself, coming out of the process, is an invitation to “please know” rather than “don’t know”.

Just as another could not receive as you do without equal preparation and dedication, so you can appreciate only slightly this zen discipline unless you practice it faithfully. Because I have called you to this opportunity I come to you even as your mind is only minimally in a “don’t know” state. Others must practice long and faithfully in order that spiritual insights might enter their “cleared” minds. There is more attention to the traditional processes than to the content. This does not make it better or worse, but just different. Just know that you are not to seek another path, but are to proceed, with commitment and zeal, this one that is offered to you.

You have a small group who are attracted to these Teachings, and they should be maintained in some way. The student group I have encouraged for some time may grow out of this summer experience. And yes, it would be appropriate to share your spiritual story with this group. Yet I leave it to you as to whether you do or don’t… and when. You must feel ready.

“Don’t know” is a valuable, useful preface to “Do know.” Still, the value of knowing can be diminished if it prevents you from knowing something contrary. Knowledge need not be consistent. There are many genuine parodoxes in the earth where each side or facet must be appreciated. Knowing contradictory truths and not being bothered or desirous of expunging one is akin to “don’t know.”

FRI., JULY 12, 1985, 6:00 AM

This, of course, is a designation used by one of My Eastern servants for an ideal state of being. How do I, the Holy Spirit, react to this? Am I supportive of this as a path to spiritual enlightenment? Or am I bothered by this cultish activity? You shall hear, o son, if you but listen.

As I have told you before, there are many paths that encourage growth of spirit, even as there are many ways, (even) within the Christian look at life. This one of which We speak has . . .

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