Don’t Rush

SAT., JUNE 29, 1991, 7:14 AM

Your expectation on this weekend, the last one in June, with a number of tasks not yet completed, could be that I would push you to get everything done, no matter what the cost. But you are still dealing with pain, and you go into heavy teaching this next week, so I choose to take a more timeless stance this morning. Complete what seems best… and enjoy the weekend. Don’t rush. Push only as it seems best to do.

Instead of criticism I offer you some praise for tasks completed this week. Your performance as Paul was full of life and communicated a feeling for kids that went beyond the Scriptural account. I will not say if it was truly inaccurate. Instead I’ll say that the portrayal was one that encouraged these young Christians to love this one whom I sent to the gentiles. If this I approve.

I still say you will find the lost pen, but you have adapted well to the loss. It was important, but not as important as the continuation of these Teachings. You used good judgment in selecting an alternative, which shall do the job for a time, at least. Be aware of Russell’s Law.

You shall give priority to the letter to your parents, and of this I approve. Honor thy father and mother is a commandment, and they look forward to the letters from their only son. The deadline is self-imposed. Write it if it seems right to do.

Comparable is My advice on the Ruminations. You have the letter organized and begun. Don’t rush it. You have way too much material, so it shall require some careful judgment to select what is best to say. And then I’ll counter that all of the Teachings are relevant and worthwhile, so there could be several different selections, and all would be equally good. Don’t waste time in the selection process. Let My Spirit guide you. That’s sufficient for the task.

The Drug book chapters are not truly important, and doing them one at a time is a good strategy. This earns you a bit of money and, more importantly, attunes you a bit more to one of your Fall teaching tasks, to be done somewhat more leisurely than this summer class. Use it as a “filler.”

It was symbolically desirable that you finish the finals for your first class before you commence the second. The compromise, now necessary, is to read the exams of these two women, and finish the rest as you can. It was a good idea, and without the sickness and pain you probably could have done it, but it is not now a high priority.

The Newsletter takes a few hours, but is not an onerous undertaking. It is a small service that you offer to your fellow churchmen, and it does have a reasonable deadline. I still approve of your doing this in your good style. It is like unto the portrayal of Paul – a unique contribution to the life of your congregation. In the spirit of this title, finish this later this morning.

( 7:56 AM / 10:08 AM )

The culture of which you are a part is one that often encourages rush, rush. You have deadlines galore… and I have pointed out before the fatal nature of this expression – finish by the designated time (line) or you’re dead. You have chosen to be in the culture that emphasizes and prizes such behavior, and you have done relatively well with your part. Yet realize that it is only one way to function and to live, and it becomes less defensible as you progress in age. Even as I seem to urge you to rush, to take on more tasks, and to meet deadlines I am in a timeless realm, and I see clearly the artificiality of what I urge. So… heed Me… and heed what I say here, also.

SAT., JUNE 29, 1991, 7:14 AM

Your expectation on this weekend, the last one in June, with a number of tasks not yet completed, could be that I would push you to get everything done, no matter what the cost. But you are still dealing with pain, and you go into heavy teaching this next week, so I choose to take a more timeless stance this morning. Complete what seems best… and enjoy the weekend. Don’t rush. Push only as it seems best to do.

Instead of criticism I offer you some praise for tasks completed . . .

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