“Don’t Worry! Be Happy!”

SAT., JUNE 10, 2000, 6:35 AM

This, clearly, is not a rational “slogan” for responsible, middle-class Americans. You are to worry about lack of success, about not enough money for… and the future. The “news of the day” is rarely about being happy, but is more about occurrences that make for unhappiness. So what do I, Holy Spirit, mean by this 4 word admonition?

Again, in contrast to your culture’s dictum I want you to be dependent… on Me. This is My Call to you, and it is a serious one… and I can be serious. I didn’t call you until relatively late in this life. You had many years to be independent, and you did rather well in this “cultural imperative”. As you recalled yesterday, you had leadership positions from junior high school days, but when you became a professional health educator I cautioned you… “enough!” I was turning you toward being a scholar rather than an organizational leader. You complied and avoided much unnecessary frustration.

You knew you were to get up “rather early” this morning for this Teaching, but staying in bed felt good. I had to pull you. I couldn’t let “free will” win out. As I’ve told you often, this that We do together is a positive addiction. You feel compelled to do it… and it was harder to be faithful to this strange Call of Mine in the early days when you had other responsibilities.

But, you see, if you hadn’t succumbed to My insistent beckoning you wouldn’t have these volumes of Teachings that now are such a pleasure to re-read and “work with”. This next Ruminations should be a good one… and you may have enough “material” for a second one on the same theme.

You are now in a good, unique time of life. Your income is sufficient for your needs, and you have few wants that are not, first, needs. Your parents’ estate has given you a nice cushion for “emergencies”, and more could come “later”. Just don’t worry about it. That’s one application of “Don’t worry!” I also have told you often that part of your dependence on Me includes the assurance that I shall provide for you, what I consider you should have. And I do have countless, creative ways to do this.

Don’t worry about your body and the cancers that now are a part of you. Just be happy that you are not in pain, that you can still function rather well, and that you did have a fine, productive, satisfying, career as a teacher and as a professor. (And remember that I helped you see that a teacher communicates knowledge that others have developed, while a professor is a more active part of that development process. Your contributions in relation to the spiritual as a dimension of health were “as a professor”.)

Thus, I say don’t worry about your cancers (and I’m seeing that you don’t), but be happy that you have this “time” to enjoy and appreciate these last years of a good life. I, in My Fullness, am the Source of Life, and I give it… and I withhold it… as I Will. But, as I’ve also told you, I don’t “micromanage” this earth and most lives. But, for no “good reason”, I am more directly involved in and with your life than with most lives. Just be happy that this is your “lot”. You didn’t do anything to deserve it. You just have to be faithful to this Relationship as life goes on.

Your desk looks as though you have many worries and concerns. Be happy. Clean it off, as you did with the one in your office. (7:26 / 7:55)

SAT., JUNE 10, 2000, 6:35 AM

This, clearly, is not a rational “slogan” for responsible, middle-class Americans. You are to worry about lack of success, about not enough money for… and the future. The “news of the day” is rarely about being happy, but is more about occurrences that make for unhappiness. So what do I, Holy Spirit, mean by this 4 word admonition?

Again, in contrast to your culture’s dictum I want you to be dependent… on Me. This is My Call to you, and it is a serious one… and I can be . . .

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