
September. 4, 1979, 6:20 AM

You are calling upon Me, o son, to teach you about dreams.  It is a worthy concern, even though this is yet not part of your experience.  (We wrote yesterday of Testing… or how I test you.  Today you, without malice, with just interest, have taken a theme to test Me.  For you know little about dreams.  Even the theory has not interested you much, because the experience is lacking.)

Yes, dreams are one of the ways to more understanding.  And more understanding leads to Me.  You can ask, legitimately, why you can wake, as you did this morning, rather suddenly, know that you have been dreaming, and yet recall nothing.  As in all things, for everything there is a season.  It is not yet your time to have this experience.  You have experiences others do not have (that dreamers may not have).  In some ways your maturity of soul is progressing well.  But it is not yet time for the dream experience.

There will be a time, so do not seek after it with too much concern… too prematurely.  This does not mean that, from time to time, you could not prepare yourself, through a short meditation, for the remembering experience.  This can do no harm… as long as you do not become grieved that the preparation does not produce the experience.  This is something you cannot attack directly.  I could hurry the time, but I shall not, for I know your rhythm, and when the dream experience becomes part of your life it shall be at the absolutely correct time.

But you are experiencing now some hazy, vague recollections of your dream, so some concentration, but without effect, is desirable preparation.

In the future, as your life goes, you shall understand why this was the desirable pattern.  That is all I have to say.

You have awaited many things in life… a career, a wife, children… a book that people actually read.  And there are other anticipations.  This is part of the excitement and beauty of life in this earth place.  So await.  Anticipate.  Just be healthy, which is to be as aware as you can be of any dream experiences and then appreciate what comes… BUT ALSO appreciate the gifts, talents, and abilities that you do have.

Be of good cheer as you stand up to the opportunities of this week, o son.  There is much to accomplish.  You cannot do it all, but you can do much.  Be My servant and I shall be Within you.

Amen and Amen.

6:55 AM