
AUG. 8, 1980, 6:58 AM

Dreams, o son, are a resource you are not using at all. Hear a teaching on these experiences and know that work with dreams lies ahead for you.

You hear of people who dream, and you are envious. You just had a dream experience, and now as you are conscious and writing, the substance of it has fled. You know that it was not frightening, but also was not pleasant. It was more puzzling and frustrating… an attempt at a nocturnal teaching which you couldn’t quite receive and certainly cannot interpret.

But go ahead… write down any impressions. You knew you were dreaming, so it had a lucid quality. It had something to do with righteousness or high quality. Also puzzling, and you would not normally put it down, especially as part of this teaching, was the remembrance that a physical manifestation was an erection, though the dream had no recallable sexual aspect. Also recall that it seemed to have a repetitive quality. (If you remember anything else, just put it in; this teaching shall be different from most others, anyway.)

Now, you see that in this recall that I have guided, you have “salvaged” something of the dream experience. That is where you have to begin. Do not set an unreachable standard, which is complete recall… which makes complete “sense”. You cannot “work” with dreams until you can recall them, and recall takes practice. You must be willing to start where you are.

Dreams are an aspect of spirit that you need to begin to investigate. You have some elementary resources (Mark’s tape, for one). Begin to use these… not overzealously, but with some sense that this is a resource that you are letting lie fallow.

You have rejected learning anything much about dreams because you do not recall at all well, and so you say, “That’s not my thing, evidently”. Let me affirm that it can be, if you’re willing to work at it, with some diligence.

AUG. 8, 1980, 6:58 AM

Dreams, o son, are a resource you are not using at all. Hear a teaching on these experiences and know that work with dreams lies ahead for you.

You hear of people who dream, and you are envious. You just had a dream experience, and now as you are conscious and writing, the substance of it has fled. You know that it was not frightening, but also was not pleasant. It was more puzzling and frustrating… an attempt at a nocturnal teaching which you couldn’t quite receive and certainly cannot . . .

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