
SUN., AUG. 14, 1983, 5:33 AM

You awake with a troubled feeling about dreams that you experienced. You definitely feel that your dream experiences are evidence of undeveloped spirit, so let Me offer you some wisdom on this theme as the light comes on this cool summer morning.

Hear, o son, that a “rational”, rememberable, interesting dream is an evidence of a particular kind of spiritual development. Those who have such are fortunate in this particular way, but only a relative few actually develop this “talent” as they could. These are folks who do have overall spiritual development; this tends to be one of many ways they can go beyond the rational and the terrestrial.

As you become more clearly aware of the variety of ways in which spirit is manifested it becomes obvious to you that your spiritual “contacts” are quite limited. Your dream experiences are awful. You rarely can remember any details… when you do they seem silly and senseless… most frequently, as this morning, the feeling with which you are left is uncertain at best, unpleasant at worst. I, of course, am quite aware of this circumstance, but it is not something over which I choose to exert control. (Go do what you should do for Lenore.)

5:58 AM / 6:09 AM

The important truth to reiterate is that it is a rare human who is “proficient” in all, or even many, means of spiritual expression. Most of you have a few “best” ways. You, specifically, have this “contact”, and you have developed it quite well. Do not long for proficiency in dreams. Develop this Teaching “contact” as fully as you can, and that shall bring further spiritual power. This may manifest itself in clearer, more satisfying dreams. Or it may not. No guarantee.

Even those who dream well and consciously do not all have comparable experiences. Some dreams are quite rational and could be compared to a photograph… an “accurate” representation of reality. Other dreams are quite symbolic and would be better compared to a surrealistic painting or a child’s drawing… there is meaning, but it is certainly hidden… to all but the skillful, fanciful interpreter. And since a dream is a personal experience, another can never tell you exactly what a dream means.

Now, as long as you are here, and this dream matter has been explained, let’s clarify your path of spiritual developing in the immediate future. You have been hedging too much, of late, about your intentions for next year. Even though your class has been important, and it is hard to tell some who are genuinely interested that it will not meet, you must say this. The following year it can rekindle, with plenty of material for thoughtful consideration.

You have no real doubts about the importance of this sabbatical experience, so this is the week that you must declare it and bring it out in the open. Any change, even a temporary one such as this, is a test of spirit. You believe you are able to reap benefits from this… but… it would be more comfortable to just stay as you are. Keep resisting this temptation. Strike out into the new environment. Be very aware of what is happening and of how you and Lenore are reacting to the events.

SUN., AUG. 14, 1983, 5:33 AM

You awake with a troubled feeling about dreams that you experienced. You definitely feel that your dream experiences are evidence of undeveloped spirit, so let Me offer you some wisdom on this theme as the light comes on this cool summer morning.

Hear, o son, that a “rational”, rememberable, interesting dream is an evidence of a particular kind of spiritual development. Those who have such are fortunate in this particular way, but only a relative few actually develop this “talent” as they could. These are folks who do have overall spiritual . . .

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